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他一直表现很好。He has been bating a thousand.

首次系统研究了绵羊服装革的酸性酶软化技术。First, a systematic study was conducted to acid bating.

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是有人按了门铃,但我正忙着给婴孩洗澡。Someone did ring the doorbell but I was in the middle of bating the baby.

本文为毛皮软化机理的进一步研究打下了基础。The study provides a foundation for the further study of mechanism of fur bating.

我能感觉到你,在每一个血脉,在我的每一声心跳里,在我的每一次呼吸里。I feel you , in every vein, in every bating of my heart, in every breath I will ever take.

详细介绍了近几十年来国内外关于蓝湿革的酶软化研究。The enzymatic bating systems of wet blue over the past decades are reviewed and summarize.

仪式性的沐浴已经有几千年的历史,并且有多种形式,其中的一种就是桑拿浴。Ceremonial bating has existed for thousands of years and has many forms, one of which is the sauna.

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该系统的优点是,鸟也很少在她的系统或产生压力。The advantage of this system is that the bird has very little stress either on her system or from bating.

除去以往那些焦虑以及偶尔出现的灰暗期待,我过去的日子虽然平凡却也不失愉快。Bating the passing uneasinesses occasioned by a few gloomy anticipations, the portion of my life which had already gone by had been happy beyond the common lot.

胰酶、166酶、537酶软化蓝湿皮,复合酶的软化效果明显优于其它几种酶,537酶也有较好的软化效果。When wet blue is bated respectively with compound enzyme, AS1.398protease, pancreatin, 166 protease and 537 protease, the bating effect of compound enzyme is best.

即使通过连续灭鼠把密度大幅度降下来,但1-2个月后又恢复至灭鼠前的水平。Even though a large number of rodenticide with continuing bating had it be treated with, it should keep the low level of rodent density not longer than 1 or 2 months.

综述了酸性酶软化在制革生产中的应用,主要是软化酸裸皮和铬鞣蓝湿皮。A review of the literatures has been done on the application of acid enzymatic bating in leather making, which includes bating pickling pelt and bating chrome tanned wet blue.

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系统研究了加工獭兔皮的浸水、浸酸、软化、鞣制、染色、加油和拔色方法及工艺条件。The processing method and technological conditions of soaking , picking, bating , tanning, oiling, dyeing, bleaching and stripping of beaver rabbit skin were studied systematically.

通过对以上技术的研究,制定出了较为合理的黄牛皮软鞋面蓝湿革节水工艺。Lower water consumption technologies on processing the cattle hide upper chrome leather in soaking, unhairing, liming , unliming and bating were studied with Qing Chuan cattle hide as raw materials.