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我仍旧在寻找最毒的药草。Still I seek the most noxious herbs.

从有毒玩具到有害睡衣。From toxic toys to noxious nightwear.

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除此而外我没吸过更加有害的气体。I have never smoked anything more noxious.

但化学的范畴远远超出有毒气体。But chemistry goes far beyond noxious fumes.

她曾经虚构了臭名昭著的“死亡小组”。She was the inventor of the mythic, noxious "death panels."

三叶鬼针草是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。Bidens pilosa is one of the noxious invasive weed in Asteraceae.

单细胞生物如何寻找食物和避免有毒物质?How do unicellular organisms find food and avoid noxious substances?

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热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体。Formation of combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.

在早期的煤矿中,工人一般将金丝雀放入井下来探测井内毒气,若金丝雀死亡,则说明井里有毒气。In the early coal mines, a dead canary meant the buildup of noxious gases.

相反,燃烧轮胎会产生有害的污染物,二氧化硫。Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.

为消除二氧化硫和其他有毒气体的排放,他们的也拥有更好的设备。They are also better equipped to remove sulphur dioxide and other noxious gases.

这种可怕的生物呼出剧毒空气,践踏比自己小的生物。It is a horrible being that spews forth noxious vapors and tramples lesser beings.

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另一方面,这使右派歧视女性,最令人厌恶的一面公诸于众。And it brings out everything that is most noxious and misogynistic about the right.

但是这些肉必须煮熟,在你吃前必须杀死所有有害病原体。But the meat must be cooked, which will kill any noxious pathogens before you eat it.

第十九条从事养殖生产不得使用含有毒有害物质的饵料、饲料。Article 19 Noxious and harmful bait and feed are prohibited in aquacultural production.

它在几维的阳光下长得是如此的茂盛,以至于被公然地当成了有害的杂草。It grows so abundantly in the Kiwi sunshine that, sadly, it is declared a noxious weed.

从有毒玩具到有害睡衣,中国被召回产品的名单还在一个劲儿加长。From toxic toys to noxious nightwear, the list of items recalled in China just keeps growing.

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这常常会在地面上留下一个个巨大的坑,有毒的矸子山和污染的河道.This often results in huge holes in the ground, noxious spoil-heaps and polluted watercourses.

分离主义船舰的坠毁导致大量毒性落叶剂渗入星球的生态中,摧毁了当地的植物群。The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.

禁止将有毒、有害废物用作肥料或者用于造田。It shall be prohibited to use noxious or harmful wastes as fertilizers or for creating farmlands.