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这幢大楼的设计有趣地集传统主义和现代主义于一身。The building's design is an interesting blend of traditionalism and modernism.

长沙意味着岳麓书院严谨的传统文化,也意味着魅力四射酒吧热辣的舞台秀。Changsha is the austere traditionalism of Yuelu Academy and it's the stage show at Glamour bar.

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他争辩道这个国家的培训和教育制度仍然受到传统主义的支配。He argued that the country's training and education systems were still dominated by traditionalism.

这裡的传统主义代表主要是指「儒家」,但又归结到基督宗教的世界中。In the novel traditionalism mainly refers to" the Confucian school", but extend "the Christ religion" world.

我希望,美洲印第安人的发展,可以由人与人相传递的传统主义驱动。My hope is that Native evolution will be driven by a reinforced traditionalism passed down from one to another.

近代传奇杂剧发展历程中存在着一种可称之为传统主义的创作现象。The legendary drama in modern times witnessed a phenomenon in practice, which could be considered as traditionalism.

这种方法认为,要使经济长期持续下去,解除某些传统主义思想是必要的。It argues that some dissolution of traditionalism was necessary for economic growth to be sustained over a long period of time.

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现象学、存在主义哲学以及培根主义哲学传统构成了自我决定理论的哲学基础。The phenomenology, existentialism and baconian traditionalism provide accomplish the founding of the self-determination theory.

19世纪的美国处于社会转型时期,其司法界面临着传统主义与实用主义的两难选择。In the 19th Century, American judicial system was caught in a fix between traditionalism and pragmatism as the society was undergoing changes.

现代中国的思想、学术和文学都在努力争得自己的位置,实现从传统向现代的转变。All of the Chinese modern thought, learning and literature strove for their own position to realize the change from the traditionalism to modernism.

这个步骤明确了有歧义的观念,这个观念认为侨民,特殊人种和少数民族都被传统主义观念支配。This approach encourages the questionable notion that immigrants and certain ethnic and racial minorities are particularly driven by traditionalism.

目前在欧美流行的新自由主义和新传统主义对上述问题提出了各自的思考。To this difficult situation, New Liberalism and New Traditionalism which are prevailing over in America and Britain are providing their own reflections.

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他们是一代团结和新传统主义的一代——搽着防晒油戴着机车头盔的一代,对父母职责最为焦虑。Theirs is a generation of consolidation and neo- traditionalism —a generation of sunscreen and bicycle helmets, more anxious about parenthood than anything else.

正如赛义德·来拉兹在和那些伊朗的改革智囊团一起被关进监狱前告诉我的那样,“我们的脚属于传统主义,而我们的头属于现代主义。”As Saeed Leylaz told me before he was thrown in jail along with most of Iran’s reformist brain trust, “Our feet are in traditionalism and our heads in modernism.”

本研究旨在从人们的生育态度中探讨中国人思维方式对传统性与现代性有何影响。The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between the thinking style and the traditionalism and modernism of Chinese through their attitude to birth.

这是以他父亲特有的政治哲学品牌命名的,其主要宗旨是自立更生、孤立主义、大韩民族的传统主义和马克思列宁主义。It is named after his father's own particular brand of political philosophy whose key tenets are self-reliance, isolationism, Korean traditionalism and Marxism-Leninism.

这种工艺给用户提供了独立选择的机会,我们为嘉尼米德工艺在一个至今还推崇传统的国度取得如此大的成功而感到自豪。This represents an independent choice of our client that make us proud and satisfied for a great success in a country where until now people have been showing their traditionalism.

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同时,丘吉尔也表现出英国统治阶级最有魅力的特质──尊敬、忠诚及公平竞赛,没有他众多的同辈们那种陈腐的传统主义思想。At the same time, Churchill expressed the most attractive values of the English ruling class---honor, loyalty, and fair play---without the stuffy traditionalism of many of his peers.

启奥公司一直保持超一流的专业水平,追求时尚与传统的融合,努力为客户创造最大价值。Over the years, Coil has maintained a high level of professional standards, pursued to integrate traditionalism and trendiness , and strived to create the maximum value for customers.

第二部分设计了一个能够反映中国人传统性和现代性的情境问卷,通过测量人们的生育态度,来进一步证实思维方式对传统性和现代性的影响。In the second part, we designed a situation questionnaire, which reflects traditionalism and modernism, to measure people's attitude to birth and to examine how their thinking style affects them.