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但当前也面临许多问题,有着不少不和谐的因素。However, there are still a lot of problems of disharmonious factors.

不要搞出地域歧视来,否则会激起很多不和谐的声音。Don't stir up area discrimination, or it'll trigger many disharmonious sounds.

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“三农”问题是不和谐社会的最关键因素。"Farming, Countryside and Peasantry" is the key cause of a disharmonious society.

切不要因一时的心血来潮而购置一件不和谐的家具。Cut do not purchase a disharmonious furniture because of temporarily be seized by a whim.

不和谐的DNA及所制造的能量流,在任何能量场中都造成了酸涩音乐的运转。Disharmonious DNA and the energy flow that it creates causes sour music to spin in any field.

这些不便,或者称为不和谐的振动复合体,已经在几年前就开始了。This inconvenience, or disharmonious vibratory complex, has begun several of your years in the past.

你获得更大的能力去认识到限制、不和谐和约束的能量及形式。You gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious , and restricting energies and forms.

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不和谐的模式将会倾向于造成社区崩溃,并会有许多来来去去的流动。The disharmonious patterns will tend to go off causing community to crumble and have many comings and goings.

另外,老年人因性生活不和谐起诉离婚的情况也呈上升趋势。Additional, old people because sexual life is disharmonious the case that prosecutes a divorce also shows ascendant trend.

随时间过去,我们的通道们注意到犯下伤害的人格存有们摆动在一个不调和的振动中。Over time, our channels noticed that personality entities that perpetrated harmfulness vibrated in a disharmonious vibration.

当前高校大学生思想政治教育环境仍存在诸多不和谐因素。At present, various disharmonious factors exist in the moral and political education environment in colleges and universities.

明朝中叶以后,“丑”被有力地推进了人们的视野,“丑”作为不和谐的因素得到了日益强调。After Ming dynasty, the "ugliness" was strongly pushed into people's view, it wasemphasized as a disharmonious factor day by day.

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当他们的形态在不和谐的振动中,那些不和谐的人格存有们能接合他们的形态。Those personality entities that were disharmonious could only engage with their forms when their forms were in a state of disharmony.

通常在我们的圆荚体之间不和谐的遭遇中,整个团队脱离了与地球心跳的同步。It is often in the disharmonious encounters between members of our pods that the entire group is moved out of sync with Earth's heartbeat.

当不和谐的思想形态被超越,无论是个体还是团队都返回和谐,再次回到能量流中。As the thought-form that is disharmonious is transcended, both the individual and the group come back into harmony, back into the flow again.

在此前两日的大涨行情中,贵州茅台就已经发出了不和谐的音符,也为酒类股昨日全线下跌奏出了序曲。During the last surging days, Guizhou Moutai has already shown the disharmonious rhythm, which led to the plunge for stocks in liquor industry.

劳伦斯认为人与自然、人与人、人与自我之间的不和谐关系是导致当今生态危机的重要原因。Lawrence holds the ideas that the disharmonious man-nature, man-man and man-self relationships are important reasons for modern ecological crisis.

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在两种不调和的基因及相关的能量信号混合后,羞耻、痛苦、愤怒和恐惧成为人类体验的一部份。Following the blending of two disharmonious genetics and related energy signatures, shame, pain, anger and fear became a part of the human experience.

但立法及司法实践中出现的诸多不和谐因素,成为制约刑事检察监督工作发展的瓶颈。However, in the present legislation and practice, many disharmonious factors are restricting the development of criminal procuratorial supervision work.

一件家具的主料多采用同一棵树材,但纹理搭配注重和谐,若不和谐就值得怀疑等等。Of a furniture advocate material is much use same a tree material, collocation of Dan Wen manage pays attention to harmony, if disharmonious suspectable etc.