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理性的,有条不紊的一个方法。A way of thinking rationally and methodically.

合理调整就业结构。Rationally readjusting the employment structure.

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感性的认识城市,理性的设计城市。Perceptually know a city, and rationally design it.

目的推理选育林可霉素高产菌株。Aim To rationally breed lincomycin producing strain.

他能够在理性上接受这一事实但感情上接受不了。He can accept the facts rationally but can't sentimentally.

手掌纹路清晰的人,代表着思考清楚而理性。Fine lines on the palm mean you think clearly and rationally.

对于登山者来说,理性思考是生存的关键。For mountaineers, thinking rationally is essential for their survival.

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第二种错误是,以为每个人都是理性思考的。Another mistake would be to assume that everybody is thinking rationally.

然而,如何科学、合理的评价公益林建设的各种效益?。However, how to evaluate rationally the benefits of non-commercial forest?

我们理性地意识到,大多数情况在一定程度上都是不确定的。We rationally realize that most every situation is ambiguous to some degree.

我们希望有关人士能够客观、理性看待这个问题。We hope relevant individuals will treat the issue objectively and rationally.

微博的使用者大多为受过良好教育的年轻人,他们能够合理的看待问题,如果他们在微博上发表一些正确的看法,那么就可以给中国的歌迷留下好印象。Most Weibo users are young and well-educated. They evaluate issues rationally.

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首先,它是假定有关国家的合理行为,并在其自身利益。First, it is assumed that states act rationally and in their own self-interest.

自杀有时候,也有可能是合乎常理的。Suicide, under certain circumstances, might be rationally and morally justified.

但我们主张,应当依法、理性表达爱国热情。We maintain that patriotism should be expressed rationally and in line with law.

这种想法会一直挥之不去,并开始影响你理性思考的能力。It takes over your thoughts and begins to affect your ability to think rationally.

合理的干湿交替有助于维持较高的渗滤速率。Rationally alternate wetting and drying are good for keeping a high infiltration rate.

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合理使用抗生素是预防关键。The key to prevent Pseudomembranous colitis is to administrate antibiotics rationally.

如何实现盗窃罪法定刑理性化设计,已成为学者们应然性的思考。How to rationally design Legal Sentence of theft has become a tan thinking of scholars.

合理消费的人们在为得到的某项服务必须付费外,不该再掏腰包。Consumers acting rationally ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service.