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简直是喧宾夺主。Is simply unoriginal.

你可以做出一生中最糟糕的事情,那就是不断地抄袭。The worst thing you can do in your life is be unoriginal.

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这种受伤但无畏的硬汉原型让人感觉疲劳而且没有独创性。The damaged-but-fearless-tough-guy archetype feels tired and unoriginal.

这个非独立命名的国名告诉我们这是一个位于中非的原法国殖民地。As the unoriginal name suggest this former French colony is right in the middle of Africa.

货架为了陈列商品,一般不采用刺激性的色彩,以免喧宾夺主。Shelves in order to display goods, generally do not use provocative colors, so unoriginal.

这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal.

他说这幢新建筑缺乏新意,只是仿效古典传统而已。He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.

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茶是淡淡的君子,它陪伴在您的周围,若即若离,但却不喧宾夺主。Tea is a hint of a gentleman, which accompany you around the ambiguous on, but not unoriginal.

“假如反应热烈的话,即使是一些非原创的小恶作剧也能给旁观者带来极大乐趣,”赛德尔说。"Even unoriginal little pranks can be a lot of fun to watch if the reaction is great" Seidell said.

我已经读过许多倡议,它们告知我,不要拿味如鸡肋,老生常谈的话题来让人感觉无聊。I've read a lot of advice telling me not to bore people with cliched, unoriginal conversation topics.

我曾经读过很多建议,它们告诉我,不要拿味如鸡肋,陈词滥调的话题来让人觉得无聊。I've read a lot of advice telling me not to bore people with cliched, unoriginal conversation topics.

在亨利克先生的班上,怕的是你不出“新”,怕的就是你是个跟屁虫,只会拷贝资料。In his class, the last thing you should do was be unoriginal or a follower, someone who only knew how to copy.

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你走的高度原创和准确的印象,说,“盎格鲁-撒克逊人是伪君子”或“拉丁人喊了很多”。You come away with the highly unoriginal and inaccurateimpression that say 'Anglo-saxons are hypocrites' or that 'Latin peoplesshout a lot'.

我在邮箱里收到过很多出版商或公关人员发来的书籍,里面大多是些普通的,豪无新意的内容,看过之后也留不下什么印象。I receive many books in the mail from publishers and PR people, and most have such generic, unoriginal content I can't possibly recommend them.

出于某种原因,澳大利亚东部的鲸们毫无创新精神,只会剽窃他们西部邻居的新歌作品。For some reason, all the whales east of Australia are unoriginal bastards who will just plagiarize their western neighbors once they hear them sing a new song.

当提到“大堡礁是我梦想之地”时,锐客大可以去“借”一张大堡礁的照片来用,但这样就不够原创了。When it came to the line, 'The Great Barrier Reef?Place of MY dream! ', I could have 'borrowed' some picture of the GBR, but that would be something unoriginal.

反不正当竞争法作为知识产权体系的一种“兜底”条款,在保护非独创性数据库方面发挥了巨大作用。Anti-Unfair Competition Law as a contract of revealing all the details in the intellectual property systems, which has played a major role in protecting unoriginal database.

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在存在主义哲学的视野下,托尔斯泰精神中强烈的否定、批判色彩是他对缺乏主体独立意义抉断的日常生存状态的否定,对生命根本意义上的虚无境遇的勇敢直面。In the perspective of existentialism, the intense negation in Leo Tolstoy's heart, through which he faces nothingness, is used to argue against the "unoriginal and trivial existence".

我曾经读过很多建议,它们告诉我,不要拿味如鸡肋,陈词滥调的话题来让人觉得无聊。I've read a lot of advice telling me not to bore people with cliched, unoriginal conversation topics. This has sunk in so much that sometimes I'll find myself paralyzed in social situations.