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罗宾气喘吁吁地说。Robin gasped.

拉西里的罗宾!Robin of Locksley!

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罗宾•麦凯报道。Robin McKie reports.

谁杀了知更鸟?Who kill Cobin Robin?

罗宾又向我转过身。Robin turned to me again.

我们的大脑是罗宾汉。Our brains are Robin Hood.

这是罗宾和梅利莎。?。This is Robin and Melissa.

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罗宾汉确有其人吗?Did Robin Hood really exist?

罗宾伟百斯的口气。Robin Redbreast's bad breath.

“哦,也许不喝了吧,”罗宾说。“Oh, maybe not, ” said Robin.

在他们身后,罗宾•保罗,C。Behind them, Robin Paul, C. J.

蝙蝠侠和罗宾救民于危难……Batman and Robin to the rescue.

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罗宾伟百斯的口气。Robin 5 Redbreast's bad breath.

有一种鸟叫红襟知更鸟。One of these birds is the robin.

那些知更鸟筑巢的紫丁香The lilacs where the robin built

“我想罗宾已经死了,”我说。“I thought Robin died, ” I said.

罗宾布莱特报道自吉隆坡。Robin Brant reports from Kuala Lumpur.

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经过一番恶斗,罗宾汉杀死了盖伊。After a fierce fight, Robin killed Guy.

最后,罗宾来到一座窄桥。Finally , Robin came to a narrow bridge.

华润站在克里斯朵夫罗宾。The C. R. stood for "Christopher Robin."