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她仅仅知道战争,战斗和镇压。She has only known war, conflict and repression.

这是在施加压力,你们在毁我的青春年华,啊?This is repression. You’re ruining my youth, okay?

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黑种人不服从戒严和镇压。The black population is defying curfew and repression.

我们将帮助他们反抗残暴的压迫。We will aid their struggle against violent repression.

压抑和分裂是内部的可变观念。Repression and Splitting are inter-changeable concepts.

虐待和压迫已经成为他们生活的一部分。Tortures and repression has become part of their lives.

使用班章山大树茶纯料压制而成。Use pure tea tree class chang material from repression.

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农民工长时间性压抑会导致许多社会问题。Long time repression could lead to host of social problems.

在列出的危险中有压力和性压抑。Among the dangers it lists are stress and sexual repression.

只有武力和高压一直在世界上制造着毁灭。Only force and repression have made the wrecks in the world.

政治上的压制致使少了许多有建设性的言论。Political repression discourages any constructive criticism.

自打那以后,持不同政见者遭到了镇压。Since then, the repression of dissidents has been stepped up.

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叙利亚人几十年来生活在政治压迫的恐惧中。Syrians have lived in fear of political repression for decades.

这将对郑棉近期的走势构成较大的压制作用。This will pose to Zheng Mian's recent trend of greater repression.

实际上,巴斯克地区恐怖主义组织ETA的诞生正是源于这场镇压。Indeed, the Basque terrorist group ETA was born of this repression.

这个国家的政治镇压是通过恐怖行动来实施的。The political repression in this country is imposed by severe fear.

和谐也往往是通过对不同意见的压制实现的。Harmony is too often achieved by the repression of dissenting views.

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这一辩解完全是在为国内的镇压活动开脱。This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.

卢日科夫指责梅德韦杰夫采取苏联模式的镇压。Mr Luzhkov accused Mr Medvedev of resorting to Soviet-style repression.

我们试图告诉人们朝鲜的被压制和绝望的生活的故事。We tried to tell the story of repression and desperation in North Korea.