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新声在演“甘地”。Gandhi is at the Hsin Sheng.

没碗怎么盛菜呢?How Sheng Cai does not bowl?

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请问我怎样才能到胜利广场?How can I get to the Sheng Li Squre ?

饰演这位反一号的就是芦芳生。One is playing the anti-Lu Fang Sheng.

邻居的儿子跟盛茂林的儿子是同学。The neighbor's son is Sheng Maolin's son.

我们现在去圣苏摩贵族学院?We now turn to Sheng Sumo Noble College ?

他盛好汤端到我面前。He was Sheng Hao Tang Duan in front of me.

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现在搬迁至升隆茶室的摊位里。Now moved to Restaurant Sheng Long's stall.

盛宣怀本人对梁启超也颇为欣赏。Sheng Xuanhuai I am also quite enjoy Liang.

“好吧!”圣友比丘欣然回答。"Alright. " answered Bhikshu Sheng You gladly.

一大群男人围在电脑旁观看“盛状”。A group of men around the computer to watch" Sheng".

远方传来的阵阵箫声,是那样的忧伤。Bursts coming from afar Xiao Sheng is a kind of sad.

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箫声依旧,却带着淡淡的恐慌。Xiao Sheng remains the same, but with a touch of panic.

徐盛在李典军中,往来冲突。Xu Sheng meanwhile continues slaughtering Li Dian’s men.

价格方面,盛泽一主流工厂承兑贴息下调。Price, Sheng a major fall in factory acceptance discount.

盛忠豪发誓一定要杀了大岛茂,为他报仇。Sheng Zhonghao vowed to kill Oshima Shige and avenge him.

方梳子带药给葛红菱看病,文胜表示感谢。The comb with medicine to see GeGongLing, Wen Sheng thanks.

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小学期间,陈国盛是一个矛盾的家伙。During primary school, Chen Sheng is a man of contradictions.

反之则表明阴性在细胞膜外过盛。Instead it shows that negative in the cell membrane, the Sheng.

月盛斋的酱牛肉在北京,最有名的牛肉制作工艺就是月盛斋。In Beijing, the best-known spiced beef is made in Yue Sheng Zhai.