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她的祖先是从门格洛尔腥黑穗病社区。Her ancestors are from the Bunt community of Mangalore.

门格洛尔机场是从门格洛尔市约19英里。Mangalore airport is about 19 miles from Mangalore city.

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贾德哈夫说,印度航空公司对驾驶员都会进行在芒格洛尔降落的培训。Mr. Jadhav said Air India trains its pilots for landing in Mangalore.

今天还通过迅速没有多少乐趣和时间接近,我要回门格洛尔。Tuesday also passed by quickly without much fun and time was nearing for me to get back to Mangalore.

专家说,在芒格洛尔机场跑道坠毁必然使一个坏,如果不准确着陆。Experts say the runway at Mangalore airport makes a bad crash inevitable if the landing is not accurate.

事故发生的时候,飞机刚刚越过卡纳塔克邦的芒格洛尔市的机场滑道。The accident occurred when the plane overshot the runway of the airport serving the city of Mangalore in Karnataka state.

1973年出生在曼加洛尔,她年少时擅长科学和数学,而且本来很有希望在医界或建筑业有一番作为。Born in Mangalore in 1973, Ash excelled at science and math as a youngster and had high hopes for a career in medicine or architecture.

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从迪拜飞往芒格洛尔市的低成本的印度航空快线飞机划出了跑道,坠入峡谷并着起火来。The low-cost Air India Express plane flying from Dubai to the city of Mangalore overshot the runway, plunged into a gorge and burst into flames.

国航的印度Arvind的贾达夫主席说,他是“压倒的芒格洛尔由在当地居民的救援行动延长了帮助”。The Chairman of Air India, Arvind Jadhav, said he was "overwhelmed" by the help extended by the local residents of Mangalore in the rescue operation.

22日,印度航空快运公司一架客机在印度南部城市门格洛尔坠毁,至少8名乘客获救,但其余约158乘客恐全部遇难。At least 8 people have been rescued but about 158 are feared dead after an Air India plane crashed Saturday on landing in the southern Indian city of Mangalore.

内务部的一位官员称,自从SRS激进主义分子于1月24号袭击了芒格洛尔一家酒吧的情侣们,中心一直在追踪卡纳塔克邦的进展。An official at the Ministry of Home Affairs said the Centre had been tracking developments in Karnataka after SRS activists attacked couples at a Mangalore pub on January 24.

电视画面显示,从浓密的黑烟包围城市外的芒格洛尔机场火焰在厚厚的草地和树木的丘陵地区的飞机滚滚。Television images showed dense black smoke billowing from the aircraft surrounded by flames just outside the Mangalore city airport in a hilly area with thick grass and trees.