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上赛季荣归故里是演砸了。Last season was a humiliating homecoming.

一个小丑比一个无教养的人更可耻。A buffoon is more humiliating than a bounder.

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在一次耻辱的失败后运动员做了什么?What do athletes do after a humiliating defeat?

他正想着他那篇长长的,羞辱的自供。He was thinking of his long, humiliating confession.

对我个人来讲是一个屈辱的经历。To myself the event was both humiliating and insulting.

作为一个中国男人,我觉得这篇文章很损人。As a Chinese man, I find this article to be deeply humiliating.

在经历一个顾客的羞辱性冲突后,他极为伤心。After a humiliating conflict with a customer, he is inconsolable.

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她的丈夫,我的祖父,总是虐待她,羞辱她。Her husband, my grandfather, kept ill-treating and humiliating her.

腐败和暴政的耻辱枷锁已被打开。The humiliating grip of corruption and tyranny is being pried open.

对这丧权辱国的条约,中国代表居然准备签字承认。This humiliating treaty, China was ready to acknowledge signatures.

这样断气是耻辱的,最后飘浮着的幻影是卑贱的。It is humiliating to expire. The supreme floating visions are abject.

评估公司克莱迪特赛次的分析师评价道,“这是欧盟委员会强制下侮辱性的让步。”It is a humiliating climb-down forced on it by the European Commission.

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签订了太多屈节辱国的条约。In history, China has been forced to sign too many humiliating treaties.

也许,这才真正是清朝政府所不能接受的“屈辱”。Perhaps, this is the real Qing government can not accept a "humiliating."

但至少你的用手习惯不再会背上耻辱柱了。But at least your handedness no longer carries a humiliating social stigma.

在那年的季后赛中,他们被冷酷无情、更渴望胜利的对手羞辱。A hard, humiliating shove into the offseason at the hands of a hungrier opponent.

不要盯住一个残疾者或坐轮椅的病人,否则会使他们感到受辱。Never stare at a cripple or any one in a invalid chair, it is humiliating to them.

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对于普通胖人来说,生活可以是一连串无休止的屈辱经历。For the average fat person, life can be an endless chain of humiliating experiences.

对方教练对自己的球员尖叫着,斥骂她们,大声嚷嚷。The other coaches would be screaming at their girls, humiliating them, shouting at them.

不要害怕去冒险使自己蒙羞或者因尝试新的事物而浪费了资源。Don't be afraid to risk humiliating yourself or wasting resources by trying something new.