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上帝保祐美国。God Bless America.

对,美国烂透了。Yep, America sucks.

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它是美国的精华。The Essence of America.

好吧,美国已经玩完了。Ok, America is finished.

我们在南美销售。We sell in South America.

我想搬去美国。I want to move to America.

美国也应该这样做。America should do the same.

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美国不可能被胁迫。America would not be cowed.

她计画要去美国。She plans to go to America.

我是简史密斯,来自美国。I'm Jane Smith,from America.

他们把幸存者埋在了美国?Do they bury them in America?

我在美国有一个笔友。I have a penfriendin America.

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我想成为在美国的互相交换的学生。I want an student in America.

那么,美国该担心吗?So should America be worried?

我们经东京去美国。We went to America via Tokyo.

哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。Columbus find America in 1492.

他于1492年发现了美洲。He discovered America in 1492.

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在美国他没有亲属。He has no kinsfolk in America.

他们中间的九个来自美国。Nine of them are from America.

这就是美国人的禀赋。That is the genius of America.