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回到车库去。Go back to the garage.

在外面能停六辆车的车库里?Out in the six-car garage?

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最近的汽修厂在哪里?Where is the nearest garage?

我们现在走进车库。Wir gehen nun in die Garage.

还有一个可放两辆车的车库。And there's a two-car garage.

车库与房子毗连。The garage adjoins the house.

今天我的车库被水冲了。Today, my garage was flooded.

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他计画清理他的车房。I plan to clean out my garage.

我想转让这个汽车修理厂。I want to transfer the garage.

车库与房子毗连。The garage adjoins the house.

美国拥有的是能停放两辆车辆的车库。America had the two-car garage.

把汽车倒出车库。Back the car out of the garage.

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我的车库地板上滴得到处都是。Drips all over my garage floor.

车库停车场地坪漆。Garage and Parking floor paint.

他刚在车库里停好车。He just pulled into the garage.

那幢房子背面靠河。The garage is behind the house.

汽车房在门外边。Outside this door is the garage.

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他们的房子有一个双联汽车库。Their house had a double garage.

另有一间三车位的车库。There's also a three-car garage.

我的车将他的车拖到了汽车修理厂。My car towed his car to a garage.