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情感伤害用什么来抚慰是最好的?With what does affection harm come placatory be best?

中国男人在他们失败的低潮时刻,则期盼女人的抚慰。The low ebb hour that Chinese man fails in them, what expect a woman is placatory.

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分手后的父母为了抚慰我,分别给予我更多的爱。The parents after parting company for placatory I, give me more love respectively.

在微软撒手之后,他们面红耳赤,想不出什么理由来抚慰股东。After Microsoft lets go, their be flushed, do not want to give what reason to come placatory partner.

而卧室,不仅仅提供给我们舒适的睡眠,更是我们思考和抚慰心灵的地方。And bedroom, offer our comfortable repose not just, it is we ponder over the place with placatory heart more.

色之优雅色彩是心灵的密友,时常抚慰疲惫的精神和眼睛。The grace of ● color Colour is interior cater-cousin, the spirit of constant and placatory exhaustion and eye.

老师上前抚慰他时,他就用踢、推等攻击性行为发泄不满。Before the teacher goes up placatory when him, he is used kick, push wait for aggressive behavior to abreact malcontent.

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本文探讨了适当的表扬和鼓励、宽容、微笑等有声的无声的语言柔性策略在创造和谐课堂氛围中的运用。This paper is to discuss the appliance of such placatory strategies as proper praise and timely encouragement, tolerance and smile, etc.

并且对于这些组织的首脑来说代表各自成员发表安抚生命是远远不够的。And it will not be enough for the chairman and chairwoman of these organizations to make placatory statements on behalf of all their members.

1994年协议的作用之一就是鼓励了金正日的玩世不恭,而后又采取安抚措施的勒索习性,这被证明一遍又一遍地重复着。And the 1994 deal did its part to encourage Mr Kim in his extortionist habit of acting up and then pocketing placatory goodies, time and again.

音乐一定是舒适的,她不会是博物馆的藏品。她一定能够感动人们,从一个个人的角度接近人们,然后给予人以思考。Music must never be comfortable, never become a museum-piece, not placatory . It must stir up people, reach them at a personal level, and get them to thinking.

为期九天的紧凑行程,有安抚怀柔的桥段,也有坦诚沟通的对话,奥巴马总统尽现外交魅力。When he did, it was for an intensive nine-day obstacle course, which he tried to negotiate with the placatory charm and openness to dialogue that have marked his diplomacy.

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尚宇抚慰失落的仁顺,从她的说话中再次确认了庆俊在她的心中的位置,尚宇不知不觉感到嫉妒感。Middle midfix program ShangYu placatory lost RenShun, from her speaking again confirmed that celebrates the handsome in her heart, the place ShangYu unconsciously jealous sense.