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使用芳香油或喷雾剂。Use scented oils or sprays.

给自己买一些鲜花。Buy yourself some scented flowers.

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这些痕迹表明有人动过。These marks scented of being touched.

他用芳香油按摩她的背部。He massaged her back with scented oil.

是的,但现在的时尚是喝花茶。Yeah, but scented tea is now in fashion.

喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。Drink water scented with fennel , sherbet.

我于是裁发、搓洗、擦香水。And finds me shaved and scrubbed and scented.

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用香墨写信也增添了另一些信笺元素。Scented ink added another element to the letter.

一件芬芳的礼物或者无意抛落的纪念品。A scented gift and rememberance designedly dropt.

小园香径独徘徊。On scented paths in a small garden I loiter alone.

福州芬香粮油食品有限公司。Scented Fuzhou Cereals, Oils &Foodstuffs Co. , Ltd.

妈妈还特意撒了一把桂花呢!Mother also specially cast a sweet scented osmanthus!

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在别人的办公室里到处藏些香味浓重的空气清新块。Hide scented air fresheners all over someone's office.

因怎么挑选蜂蜜和菊花茶?Because how choose honey and chrysanthemum scented tea?

如今,3岁的小馨懿见人就叫妈妈。Today, 3 small sweet scented taken see people call mom.

它是轻微有气味的与纯净的淡紫色和柠檬油。It is lightly scented with pure lavender and lemon oils.

猎犬嗅出洞里有一只狐狸,便狂吠起来。The hunting dog scented a fox in the hole and opened up.

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玫瑰,香草,生姜,金盏菊,可可脂。Delicately scented with ginger, vanilla and cocoa butter.

她给我用的是他们常用的樱桃味的洗发水。She used the cherry scented shampoo that they always use.

燃烧的一根红蜡烛引起了气味,像是山艾树或香椿。A red candle Fiery scented incense, such as sage or cedar.