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这是一个行星模型。So, it's a planetary model.

开普勒的行星运动定律Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

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双月中较小的一个属于轻量级小行星,而另一个体积是它的3倍,重量是它的25倍。The smaller one was a planetary lightweight.

劫夺也会减损行星的能量。Interceptions also detract from planetary power.

爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。The Eskimo Nebula is clearly a planetary nebula.

属于陆地形成或行星工程的范畴。a subset of terraforming or planetary engineering.

这些纪念碑是行星的主网格点。These monuments are on major planetary grid points.

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这些圆盘是行星形成的剩余物质。These disks are the remnants of planetary formation.

介绍了用于行星轮系分析的杠杆模拟法。The Lever Analogy was introduced in the planetary gear train.

这个结果称为行星状星云,这是个常让人误解的名字。The result is called, somewhat misleadingly, a planetary nebula.

所有的行星绞盘都有一个弹簧应用液压制动器。All planetary winches incorporate a spring applied-hydraulic brake.

一九七七年对天王星的几项新发现振奋了行星天文学家。New discoveries about Uranus excited planetary astronomers in 1977.

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是否还有生命乃至高度文明的行星世界存在呢?Are there any life, and even planetary world with high civilization?

“我们会的,”拉稀说道,“但是我们得完成行星扫描。”"We will, " Lash said, "but we're going to finish that planetary scan.

行星的摄动使得地球绕太阳的轨道是不规则的。Planetary perturbations make the earth's orbit about the sun irregular.

还记得我透过古柏带观察到的类似行星的物体吗?。Remember that little planetary object I spotted beyond the Kuiper Belt?

哈勃以前记录到的图片里就能看到这个三元星系的最外层景观。The archived Hubble picture shows the outermost of that planetary trio.

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“我们会的,”莱什说,“但我们先要完成行星扫描。”We will, " Lash said, "but we're going to finish that planetary scan. "

地球怎么会变得如此湿润是行星研究科学中最大的未解之谜之一。One of the great mysteries of planetary science is how Earth got so wet.

这就与被广泛接受的行星形成模型不一致了。That doesn't jibe with one widely accepted model of planetary formation.