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一艘海盗船隐隐约约在雾中出现了。A sea rover has appeared indistinctly in the fog.

我认为画家没有权利油漆朦胧。I considered that the painter had no right to paint indistinctly.

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他隐隐约约开始明白,自己长久以来为什么都在做着同样一个梦。He began to understand indistinctly why he always had the same dream.

两个工作模式都可以模糊的使用以得出相同的结果。Both working modes can be used indistinctly to achieve the same final results.

夜深了,说话的声音没有了,好像听到了有人隐隐约约地哭。It is very late at night, sound that speak have, is it hear someone cry indistinctly to seem.

呛人的空气隐隐约约的有股臭味,我觉得这样的世界,万物都没有了生机。Choking air indistinctly has a foul smell, I think such a world, everything all have no vitality.

雨声渐渐的住了,窗帘后隐隐的透进清光来。The sound of rain gradually faded away, and a piece of slight light indistinctly came though the curtain.

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嗅觉-嗅觉气味是最原始的语言,但新生儿对它并不容易察觉。Sense of smell ? Smells are the primordial language and the newborn perceives them indistinctly from birth.

沙特的天空在夜晚看上去更加高朗着,朦胧在云彩里。The sky in Saudi desert is much higher and clearer in this silent night, hiding inside the clouds indistinctly.

越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.

随后他将其思想发扬光大并开始探究上帝是否存在,期间所运用的洞察力依旧清晰鲜明。Then he goes on and gives an argument for the existence of God which he claims clearly and indistinctly perceived.

同一条海滨公路,寂寞的街灯透着一丝晦涩,若隐若现。On the same seashore road, the lonely streetlamp was excuding a thread of obscureness and it appeared indistinctly.

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隐约看到女性特质的神韵,也能看到如何运用艺术去展现自我、发现自我。Sees the feminine special characteristic indistinctly the charm, can also see how to unfold and discovery themselves.

六中的这位老师告诉记者,那天上午监考她就隐约觉得有些不对劲了。Six this teacher told the reporters, that morning monitored an exam she indistinctly to think that some did not suit.

他一声不响地叉着手臂坐在最近的那张床上,由于他坐在容德雷特大娘后面,别人便不大能看见他。He had seated himself in silence on the nearest bed,and, as he was behind Jondrette, he could only be indistinctly seen.

雾霭开始渐渐地散开,莫约在两俄里以外的地方,可以看见对面高地上的敌军。The fog was beginning to part, and a mile and a half away the enemy's troops could be indistinctly seen on the opposite heights.

是的,这真的很让人满意。我很高兴他们从意大利各地给我写信,尽管他们很多都是支持不同的球会。Yes I read, it was an enormous satisfaction, I'm very happy that they wrote to me indistinctly from all over Italy, irrespective of the club they support.

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进而从浩瀚的历史进程中,隐约看到未来的人类必将实现最终的统一,并从此得到最终的永生!Then from the vast historic course, saw indistinctly future the humanity will certainly to realize the final unification, and henceforth obtains the final eternal life!

这一群群被中午的骄阳晒到火热、或又依稀隐显在暮色中的孩子,常使富于遐想的人黯然神伤,久久不能忘怀,梦中也还受到那些幻象的萦扰。These groups, warmly illuminated by the full glow of midday, or indistinctly seen in the twilight, occupy the thoughtful man for a very long time, and these visions mingle with his dreams.