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锡器有一股臭气。Pewter has an odor.

两个铅锡合金扣口音的门襟。Two pewter clasps accent the placket.

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锡是白的成分之一。Tin enters into the composition of pewter.

我们在博物馆看到古时的白镴盘子。In the museum we saw antique pewter plates.

在特定温度下,铅可以转化成白蜡。At a certain temperature, lead becomes pewter.

收藏傢俱,陶制品,白蜡制品和雕刻品。Collect furniture, earthenware, pewter and engravings.

一种新的颜色,锡珠,才能找到在东南。A new color, Pewter Pearl, can only be found on the SE.

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白镴可以追溯到最少2,000年前的罗马时代。Pewter dates back at least 2,000 years, to Roman times.

鞋面用银、金或铅锡合金的金属丝装饰。The uppers were embroidered with silver, gold or pewter wire.

在炭灰色基调上闪耀着珠光锡金与绿松石光芒。Pearlescent pewter with turquoise shimmer over a charcoal base.

金色、锡白色和青铜色的闪光缎质长裙很是流行。Very popular were shiny satin dresses in gold, pewter and bronze.

她还买进一些意大利草篮,自制白镴器皿。She also imported Italian straw baskets and did a little pewter work.

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颜色选择是黑色,红色,锡出现在早期的照片。Color options are black, red, and the Pewter seen in the earlier photos.

道具团队完成这些面具要构想出一个独特的铅锡合金设计。The prop team then finished these to create an individual pewter design.

公司成立1997年,主要生产铅锡合金及锌合金产品。Founded in 1997, mainly the production of pewter and zinc alloy products.

亲爱的小朋友,多谢你送给我的锡兵!"I thank you for the pewter soldier, my little friend!" said the old man.

主立面采用青灰色的细节和滑动穿孔层压板。The main façade has pewter details and sliding panels of perforated laminate.

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这款时尚白镴坠鍊为您守贞的承诺立下有力的声明。This trendy pewter pendant makes a strong statement about your personal commitment to purity.

白蜡的分子结构对她生物体的继续提升而言毒性更小。The molecular structure of pewter was much less toxic unto her biology for the continued ascent.

白蜡事实上毒性更小,是铅并没有在近一个周期里下跌的一种更古老形式。Pewter is really a less toxic and more ancient form of lead that did not fall in the recent cycle.