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致命的海洋。The deadly ocean.

这是顶大的错误。This is a deadly fault.

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有时狂热可能会很致命。Or manias can be deadly.

他的必杀绝技是飞刀。He is deadly with a blade.

他以极严密的逻辑争辨。He argued with deadly logic.

这次打击对他是致命的。The shock was deadly to him.

一把餐刀都可能是个致人死命武器。A knife can be a deadly weapon.

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印度的粮食奇缺。Food is deadly wanted in India.

亚当斯和我是不共戴天的死敌。Adams and I were deadly enemies.

变异非常迅速的致命病毒。Rapidly mutating deadly viruses.

致命的锁喉练习。They practice deadly choke holds.

在一段时间内是致命的影响。For a time the fallout was deadly.

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但是他也同意,“这是相当致命的。”But he agrees “It was pretty deadly.

酒保几乎被拥抱致死。Barkeeper was embraced almost deadly.

拿破仑对剃须刀怕得要命。Napoleon was deadly afraid of a razor.

也许那是一个致人死命的轮子。That is probably quite a deadly wheel.

喷出来的口水比SARS还致命。Spouting slobber than SARS also deadly.

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这双鞋配那条裙子真绝了。Those shoes are deadly with that skirt.

但是,这些农作物有着致命的后果。But the crop can have deadly consequences.

若不进行治疗,低体温症能致死。If not treated, hypothermia can be deadly.