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这种病遗传吗?Is this disease hereditary?

对于遗传性的少发、无发也有很好的效果。It is effective in hereditary hair loss.

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双列杂交法分析抗性遗传规律。Hereditary features by diallel cross analysis.

在你的家族里,秃发是遗传性的吗?That is the commonest fatal hereditary disease.

身高是一个明显遗传特征。Tallness is evidently a hereditary characteristic.

我们知道个性具有遗传的部分。We know that personality has an hereditary component.

她认为世袭贵族应当被废除。She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished.

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世袭荫叙制的影响。Fourth, the system of hereditary characteristics Syria Yam.

遗传物质传至每个子细胞。It passes on the hereditary material to each daughter cell.

二者杂交不能形成稳定遗传的双二倍体。The hybrid can not be steadily hereditary as double diploid.

这是极少见的遗传性球形红细胞增多症。There is a rare condition known as hereditary spherocytosis.

结论精神分裂症是一种多基因遗传疾病。Conclusion Schizophrenia was a polygenic hereditary disorder.

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该生有何遗传性疾病或慢性病?Does this student have hereditary disease or chronic disease?

于是,世职教育开始向专学教育过渡。Hence, the hereditary education changed to special education.

遗传性乳癌通常发生于绝经前妇女。Hereditary breast cancer commonly occurs in premenopausal women.

血型是一种十分稳定的遗传性状,具有孟德尔式的遗传特点。Blood type is a very stable genetic form with hereditary feature.

我问他∶这个先天性的疑难病是怎麽来的?I asked him Where does this hereditary disease of mine come from?

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其教主并不一定由出家人担任,而往往是在家居士行使大权。The head of the sect was often not a monk but a hereditary ruler.

它们都是“好的推广”且对闭集遗传。They are all "good extentions" and hereditary with closed LF sets.

由于有些加入马戏团的人身怀祖传绝技。Due to some hereditary miracle in the people who joined the circus.