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从面向对象的角度出发,将CGE算法的实现封装为一个类。From the view of object-oriented, the CGE method was packaged as a Class.

应用多区域产业关联表,构建了2区域4部门的可计算一般模型。This paper takes multi-regional input-output matrix to form a 2 x 4 CGE model.

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同时,对CGE的求解方法和工具进行简单介绍。This is followed by a brief introduction of the mathematical tools for CGE solving.

目前,在西方国家,CGE模型技术已经成为分析税收政策的一项标准技术。At present, the CGE model is a standard technology to analysis tax policy in the western countries.

法国通用电气公司的皮特·埃文斯回想,其实成功的平台都是某些特定环境和均等机会下的产物。Most successful ones are the product of specific circumstances and even chance, reckons Peter Evans of CGE.

首先对多区域CGE模型进行了界定,并对多区域CGE模型的相关研究进行了回顾。This paper firstly studies the nature of multi-regional CGE models and reviews relevant studies in such models.

介绍了评估机箱屏蔽性能的基本测试方法和CGE产品的技术特点。The basic method for investigating shielding effectiveness of enclosures and technical features of CGE are introduced.

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SEM分析结果表明,CGE被严重腐蚀,NGE无明显变化,表现出良好的稳定性。SEM study showed that CGE was severely corroded after phenol degradation, while NGE was undamaged, showing good stability.

这给那些由于购买软件的经费等问题而仍需要编写CGE程序的学者有一定的借鉴作用。This can give some references to the scholars who still need making CGE procedures due to Financial to buy software or other issues.

以下是CGE为此次地震做的一个视频,请看一下并把链接给你的朋友。CGE Network has created a special Event video dedicate to China's Earthquake. Please take a look and forward the link to your friends.

本文从CGE模型的构建过程以及对偶线性规划、影子价格等方面阐述了线性规划理论与方法对古典经济学理论的贡献。Initiating the construction of CGE model together with its dual linear programming and values traced, the paper expatiates the contribution o.

因此,一般认为,当价格、经济结构和宏观经济现象都是重要的影响因素时,CGE模型是比较合适的分析工具。Therefore, CGE model is an appropriate analyzing tool when the price, the structure of economics and macro-economics are the effective factors.

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运用CGE模型模拟分析了对外贸易对我国制造业主要行业的产出、收益及投资水平的作用效果。This paper simulates the influence of the trade increase on output, revenue and investment of China's major manufacturing by applying CGE model.

自己们经过对全球非关税商业壁垒自在化各类建模办法地测试,但愿能为非关税商业壁垒地普通平衡模子模仿地有限研讨做出奉献。We hope to contribute to the limited body of literature on CGE simulations of NTBs by testing various approaches to modelling of global NTB liberalisation.

计算表明,陈氏三维晶格反演比CGE方法具有更快的收敛性,容易获得较高精度的原子间相互作用势。The calculated results indicate that Chen's lattice inversion method was exact for radial interatomic potential of alkali metals with much faster convergence than CGE method.

运用CGE模型来模拟和探讨中国二元经济结构转化的正确路径、方法和政策措施,具有相当大的应用潜力和空间。Using CGE Model to simulate and explore correct path, method, policy and measures of China's dual economic structure transformation has great application potential and space.

随着CGE模型在环境与经济政策分析领域中的应用不断拓展,环境CGE模型的研究和应用也逐渐走向深入。With the development of the application of CGE Model in analyzing environmental and economic policies, the research and application of Environmental CGE Model develop gradually.

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通过建立开放经济条件下的CGE模型来分析国际资本流动的经济增长效应,具有重要意义。It is of great significance to analyze the economic growth effects of international capital circulation by forming the CGE Pattern under the condition of opened-up CGE Method economy.