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与会者庄重地一致同意。The assembly assented gravely.

只有两位重症女患者活了下来。Two gravely ill women survived.

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他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.

我们经过慎重考虑后才应承此事。We considered gravely before giving our consent.

那些顶老的老人们正在严肃地办理业务。The oldest of men carried on the business gravely.

我没想到她已经病成那样。I had never thought she could have been so gravely ill.

如果夹头有严重氧化时应换新的。The collet shall be renewed when it is gravely oxidated.

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“我们都知道这点,沙克,”一个严肃的语音突然插入。"We all know that, Shaquille, " a gravely voice interjects.

这位幽默家一言不发地审视着这幅油画。This funster is examining this canvas silent as the gravely.

士兵们英勇作战,用两个小时夺取了机场。The soldiers fought gravely and seized the airport in two hours.

哈里和罗恩转过头,发现邓布尔多正神情严肃地看着他们。Harry and Ron turn back and see Dumbledore regarding them gravely.

戴维罗斯并没有领会这句玩笑话,只是严肃而恭敬地点点头。David rose did not catch this joke, but gravely and politely nodded.

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“我认识了你,感到非常荣幸”。他庄重地说,然后又蹲下去了。I'm proud to know you, " he said gravely and then hunched down again."

“不,我永远不会爱任何人胜过爱爸爸,”她严肃地回嘴。No, I should never love anybody better than papa,' she returned gravely.

多年来,耀邦同志这几句语重心长的话经常在我耳旁回响。Years later, Yaobang's gravely earnest words often still echo in my ears.

大量数字表明,中国在这方面深受其害。Large amounts of statistics show that China suffers gravely in this regard.

目前他父亲病重,这也是一场事关家庭有深厚意味的胜利。It was also a victory of deep family significance as his father is gravely ill.

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指导员看了看结果,“你的降落太糟糕了,”他严肃地说。The instructor checks the results. "Your landing is very bad," he says gravely.

当雪融化时,纯洁晶莹的粉状雪变成较大的砾石状结晶。When snow melts, the fine, bright powder turns to larger-grained, gravely snow.

首先,汽车尾气的释放严重危害了新鲜的空气。First of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh air gravely.