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我来澄清一下。Let me clarify.

请澄清。Please clarify.

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请允许我澄清一下。Allow me to clarify.

现在我来澄清一下。Let me clarify it right now.

我先声明,我爱我的妻子。Let me clarify. I love my wife.

精练地阐明你的见解。Refine and clarify your vision.

可否请您为我澄清一个议题?Could you clarify a point for me?

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英足总以后肯定会搞清事情。The FA will have to clarify things.

我来是为了向你阐明形势。I came to clarify the situation to you.

她要他说清楚他是什么意思。She asked him to clarify what he meant.

我看不清也弄不清。I cannot see clearly also cannot clarify.

我先声明这个没有个准确的值。Not an accurate statement. I will clarify.

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你能告诉我去北海公园的路么?Could you clarify me the way to Beihai Park?

也许,这位帕谢尔先生可以为我们澄清这些事。Maybe Mr. Parcher can clarify things for us.

我想澄清的是它是一个电子。I just want to clarify that it is an electron.

他发表了一项声明以澄清形势。He issued a statement to clarify the situation.

我想讲一下银行到底是干什么的I want to clarify just what it is that banks do.

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我白皙的皮肤也于澄清事情毫无助益。My fair skin didn’t help clarify matters either.

一些示例将帮助阐明差别。Some examples will help clarify the distinction.

但是首先我要澄清我同意的是什么。But first I want to clarify what I�m agreeing on.