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然后你们去上背诵课。Then you go to recitation.

叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵。The recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc.

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她朗诵了海涅的一首诗。She gave a recitation of a poem by Heine.

那你们可以去找背诵课的讲师。And then you go to a recitation instructor.

是的,老师说背诵课文真的有好处。Yes, the teacher says recitation is real good.

他的朗颂抑扬顿挫,富有感情。His recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling.

背诵课是旧式的陈旧的新英格兰的用语。The recitation is an old, archaic, New England term.

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阿丽的朗诵是那么好,她给三次叫好。Ali's recitation was so good that she gave three encores.

每周包括晚间专题课及复习课各一节。Weekly meetings include an evening seminar and recitation.

你当然也可以,按照你自己的方法背诵。By all means, go to your own recitation instructor as well.

他们选择不与,背诵课的讲师交流。They choose not to interact with the recitation instructors.

他的背诵能力比我们班的任何人都强。His ability in recitation is better than any other in our class.

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影片结束,因为它德赛德拉塔始于一朗诵的。The film ends, as it begins with a recitation of the Desiderata.

这个男孩在讷讷的背书中出了很多差错。The boy made many blunders as he stumbled through his recitation.

下面请欣赏诗朗诵——友谊地久天长。Please enjoy the following poem recitation ----Forever friendship.

可以和你的背诵导师,也可以来我谈话。Talk to either your recitation instructor, come in and talk to me.

第几间你要做的事是,和你的导师好好谈谈。The first thing you do, please talk to your recitation instructor.

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我已经叫所有背诵课的老师,安排办公时间了。I have asked all of my recitation instructors to state office hours.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这二不定戒。Now, venerable sirs, the Two Indefinite Rules come up for recitation.

我们会让你在任意一个,对你合适的复习课时里签到。We will let you sign up for whichever recitation makes sense for you.