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他在职总统期间可谓波澜起伏。His term as president was tumultuous.

韩德胜的CEO之路从一开始就是坎坷不平的。Henderson's tenure as CEO was tumultuous from the start.

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经过混乱的休赛期,他在训练营进步了。His development in camp comes after a tumultuous offseason.

卡米诺是一颗被汹涌海洋和无尽风暴覆盖的行星。Kamino is a planet of tumultuous oceans and endless storms.

即便是在动乱的萨瑟克地区,他的坏脾气也是广为人知。He had a reputation even in tumultuous Southwark for his temper.

喧嚣下,百川并纳,支流汇合。On this tumultuous descent, streams merge and tributaries unite.

接着肯尼迪夫妇访问了法国,欢迎的场面有些混乱。Later the Kennedys visited France and the welcome was tumultuous.

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在如此乱世,还该持有股票型基金吗?Should you stick with stock funds in this tumultuous environment?

像即将到来的大灾难之类的混乱时刻是了不起的均衡器。Tumultuous times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers.

吴敬琏的个性及坎坷的人生经历提供了一些线索。Mr. Wu’s personality and tumultuous life story provide some clues.

在这个繁华纷乱的世界里,谁能配得起一段纯白的爱情。In this bustling tumultuous world, who can match up a period of pure love.

后来有人在前门按铃,敲门,最后乱敲乱打起来。Then came a ringing and knocking at the front door, that grew at last tumultuous.

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在跨性别的友谊里,这个模糊的界限更加复杂。With cross-sex friendships, the ambiguous boundaries can be even more tumultuous.

那是的年吧,我被划进了“黑帮”队伍里。In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled one of the "reactionary gang."

那是动乱的第二年吧,我被划进了“黑帮”队伍里。In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled one of the "reactionary gang".

各种各样的脸可以说明中亚一次次被征服的历史。The mix of faces told of Central Asia's tumultuous history of conquest and reconquest.

但在她最终走到这步前的几个月,流言四起,也曾否认过相关传言。But it was a tumultuous few months of rumours and denials before she reached that point.

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同胞们,在你们举国欢腾的作乐声中,我听到千万人的悲恸号哭。Fellow citizens above your national tumultuous joy I hear the mournful wail of millions!

所有这些自由自在和从事工作的青年人的喧嚣往来急遽搅乱了他的思想。The tumultuous movements of these minds at liberty and at work set his ideas in a whirl.

随后,夜幕降临骚乱的首都,远处传来枪声。Later, as night fell over the tumultuous capital, gunfire could be heard in the distance.