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取消选中此复选框。De-select this checkbox.

如何构建一个单一值的复选框How to build a single-value checkbox

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点击Swype对应的复选框,以启用它。Tap the checkbox for Swype to enable it.

让我们添加一个复选框用于开关消息。Let's add a checkbox that toggles a message on and off.

通过对应的复选框选择一个表格。Select a table by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

它包含一个复选框和一个由四个其它窗口小部件所组成的组。It contains a checkbox and a group of four other widgets.

选中此复选框可以启用多按键的快捷键输入。Select this checkbox to enable the entry of multi-key shortcuts.

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每个产品插件数据收集器旁边有一个对应的复选框。There is a checkbox next to each product plug-in data collector.

如果该网关将使用消息有效负载,则选中对应的复选框。If the gateway will use the message payload, select the checkbox.

不勾选复选框的话,这些字段就会从数据透视表中移除。Un-checking a checkbox will remove the field from the PivotTable.

比如,可以将一套小部件关联到一个复选框。For instance, it is possible to associate a set of widget to a checkbox.

要设置在每一个分项目检查时,检查的列标题复选框。To set a check in every subitem , you check the checkbox in the column header.

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选择列表中的端口类型,或者不选“限制拨入媒体”复选框。Select port types in the list, or uncheck the 'Restrict Dial-in media' checkbox.

通过把不同的部分组合起来,我可以创建适合我的动态复选框系统。By combining various pieces, I was able to build a dynamic checkbox system that suited me.

登录屏幕示例的复选框演示了如何为特定于组件的属性编写代码。The login-screen example's checkbox demonstrates how to code component-specific properties.

要创建一个复选框添加一个Image控件,设置好它的位置,并调整其大小。To create a checkbox add an Image element, set location and resize it. Change properties to

在另一些网站,许可的用途仅仅是条款和细则下一个普通的多选框项。At other sites, permissible use is simply a generic checkbox item under Terms and Conditions.

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该复选框选上后,精确查找和只允许单词复选框就可用了。The Match case and Whole words only checkboxes become available if this checkbox is selected.

当然,在建立飞越动画的对话视窗,在每个画格重建模型的对话框必须被勾选。Of course the Rebuild Model for each Frame checkbox must be checked in the Create Fly-Through Dialog.

您还会注意到的另一个差别是有多个单选按钮和一个用于选择父类的复选框。Another difference you'll notice are several radio buttons and a checkbox for selecting the superclass.