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选择七巧板摆图。Select the tangram to form.

历史上没有记载七巧板是什么年代发明的。The invention of the Tangram puzzle is unrecorded in history.

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七巧板就是用许多几何图形进行拼凑的一种玩具。Tangram is a toy comprised of many geometrical pieces that can be put together.

采取自己走出这个寒冷,苛刻的世界,走上超越七巧板的冒险。Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.

在发源地中国,七巧板是妇女和儿童喜闻乐见的一种游戏。In China, its country of origin, the tangram puzzle was considered a game for women and children.

儿童玩具七巧板,价格便宜,经久耐玩,开发儿童智力,有真正奇效。Children's tangram is low-priced and duraBle, and can develop children's intelligence very effectively.

易方客服中心专业提供外包呼叫中心服务和解决方案,是上海最大的外包呼叫中心服务供应商之一。Tangram is one of the biggest call center service provides in shanghai, specialized in call center outsourcing services and solutions.

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在东方,正方形被分解为七巧板,这种形式游戏有着无穷无尽的变化组合方式。The Tangram from the square is the geometry's invention in the East. The form's game could provide the endless combinations of the geometric pattern.

七巧板是一种拼图游戏,由一个正方体分割出来的七块几何色板组成,通过拼凑、组合可以砌出过千的图案。Tangram is puzzling game, including seven pieces of geometric dissections which are separated from a square. It can compose and piece up to over 1,000 Graphics.

由七巧板拼出的图案是一轮廓表征,它所钩勒的是事物的边界,一种简化而深刻的印象。Every graphics from tangram is presented as a contour of objects, a characteristic outline as well. It is simply but has left deep impression abstract from people cognition.

我们将正方形内的七巧板,在竖向三维的方向进行渐变的层积生长,最终迭成七块形态各异的“不规则”的人造石。We stretch the pattern of the Tangram of the 2-dimensional to the 3D vertical volumes, ultimately it is shaped into seven different pieces of stone with the irregular artificial form.