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设计了一个通用的ISA总线DMA和中断请求电路。A general design method of request circuit on DMA and Interrup based on ISA.

最后,本文给出了DMA模式下绘图机联机调试的打印效果图。At last, the print picture of Spray-paint Graph Plotter is given in DMA mode in this paper.

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DMA使投资者能交易在股剽交易所最活跃的股剽。DMA standard enables investors to trade CFDs on the most liquid equities directly on exchange.

我们在修正电路提供DMA功能同时,也将提出制式与非制式化的做法。We will present formal and informal method to design the modified circuit supporting the DMA ability.

DMA的性能及总线仲裁在其他页面的“DAB,DCB和DEB性能”中可以找到。Performance and bus arbitration for DMA can be found in "DAB, DCB, and DEBPerformance" on another page.

这意味著缓存区无法辨别DMA控制器是否将新数据写入内存。Cache incoherency means that the cache is unaware that the DMA controller has placed new words in memory.

对于高速的数据采集与存储,给出了DMA方式的传输与乒乓缓冲机制的实现方法。This paper also introduces the high-speed data transfer and memory by utilizing DMA and ping-pong butter.

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基于寄存器的DMA允许处理器直接通过修改DMA控制寄存器来启动DMA传输。Register-based DMAallows the processor to directly program DMA control registers to initiate aDMA transfer.

最后,用动态力学方法分析了PBO纤维单向复合材料界面对材料整体性能的影响。At last, the influence brought by interface character on PBO fiber unidirectional composites is analyzed by DMA.

本研究所提出的专用DMA控制器通过了在Modelsim和FPGA平台下的验证。Furthermore, the dedicated DMA controllers discussed above have been verified on the Modelsim and FPGA platform.

维生素E抑制MDA升高的同时降低DMA含量及改善内皮舒张功能。Supplementation with vitamin E decreased MDA and DMA content and improved the endothelium-dependent vasodilation.

例13-4列出了有关代码,该代码是通过检测DMA控制器来看DMA传送是否完成的。Example 13-4 lists the secondary procedure that tests the DMA controller to see whether the DMA transfer is complete.

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由于采用分离的微处理器总线和DMA总线结构,因此实现较高的数据存储速率。Because of its separate structure between microprocessor bus and DMA bus, the recorder achieves higher data transfer rate.

其特点是采用高速DMA接口、可脱离微机平台工作、体积小、可靠性高。The recorder's specialty is that adopting high-speed DMA interface, working without PC, small cubage and high reliability.

一个直接存储器存取奴隶为隧道开始一个请求并且与仲裁主人和另外的直接存储器存取奴隶为隧道仲裁。DMA slave initiates a request for the channel and arbitrates for the channel with arbitrating masters and other DMA slaves.

一个直接存储器存取奴隶为隧道开始一个请求并且与仲裁主人和另外的直接存储器存取奴隶为隧道仲裁。A DMA slave initiates a request for the channel and arbitrates for the channel with arbitrating masters and other DMA slaves.

分析了DMA的DTED和USGS的DEM高程数据存储格式,比较了其异同,提出了一种高效的数字地图高程数据的存储格式并实现了存取算法。Analyzing the storage format of DMA DTED and USGS DEM and then presenting a new digital terrain elevation data storage format.

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然后在皮博迪音乐学院与莱昂弗莱舍一起获得音乐艺术博士学位。True went on to Juilliard to study with Sascha Gorodnitzki, and then earned the DMA with Leon Fleisher at the Peabody Conservatory.

我们看到的只有用来模拟制式化DMA功能的电路与工作原理分析,并未对最佳化的系统设计进行讨论。Only the analysis of the DMA formal simulated circuit is present, but no discussion of the different type for optimal system design.

换体存储和DMA传输方式的设计满足了高速、实时、准确的红外图像采集的要求。Design of memory exchanging and transmission mode of DMA meets the requirement of high speed, real time, accurate IR image capturing.