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这就是瑜伽和哈他瑜伽的区别。This is the difference between yoga and hatha yoga.

有很多不同种类的瑜伽,包括There are many different types of hatha yoga, including

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哈达瑜伽修习者认为身体是心灵的承载工具。Hatha Yogis consider the body as the vehicle for the soul.

哈塔瑜伽对精神和身体来说简直太美妙了!" -Christon "Hatha Yoga is wonderful for the mind and body.

瑜伽锻炼身体的部分称为“古典瑜伽”。The physical part of the yoga lifestyle is called hatha yoga.

因此哈他瑜伽意味着生命力与心理能量的结合。So hatha yoga means the union of the pranic and mental forces.

大多数人说到“瑜伽”时,实际上他们指的是哈他瑜伽。What most people refer to as simply "yoga" is actually Hatha Yoga.

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正因为如此,哈他瑜伽说首先要修习的是清洁术。Therefore, hatha yoga says that the shatkarmas must be practiced first.

举办哈他瑜伽的比赛,相当于组织尼姑集体做脱衣舞表演。Hatha yoga competition is the equivalent of organizing a strip show for nuns.

在这部长篇著作中,有好几个章节涉及到哈他瑜伽。In that voluminous book, there are refences to hatha yoga in several chapters.

哈他瑜伽是最有效的手段,因为你将绕过思想而关注于呼吸。Hatha yoga is most effective because you are working on the prana and bypassing the mind.

哈他瑜伽的顶点是力量和耐力,是对身体功能的极高控制。The capstone of Hatha Yoga is strength, stamina and supreme control of the body functions.

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练习哈他瑜伽,能够帮助你认识你所隐藏的身体和精神的潜能。The practice of Hatha Yoga can help you recognize your hidden physical and mental potentials.

因此,在哈他瑜伽中,我们首要的是呵护自己的身体并运用六种方法来净化它。Therefore, in hatha yoga, first of all we take care of the body and purify it by six methods.

当圣人们发现了哈他瑜伽这门科学时,他们并未想到瑜伽疗法。When the rishis discovered the science of hatha yoga, they did not have yoga therapy in mind.

帕坦加利体系的王瑜伽和传统体系的哈他瑜伽之间还有一个不同。There is another difference between Patanjali's system of raja yoga and the traditional system of hatha yoga.

我一直致力于融合哈他和阿斯汤噶的智慧,因为两者都有其对于瑜伽的不同理解与通道。I always try to combine the philosophy of both Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga cause both have there on understanding & path.

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然后就是基本的哈他瑜伽身心净化法,用于净化能量模式,并在能量间寻求平衡。These then are the basic hatha yoga kriyas which tend to purify the energy patterns and bring a balance between them.

哈他瑜伽将继续发挥其强身健体的作用,但更多信仰与精神上的修行将占具主导地位。Hatha yoga will continue to keep the body healthy, but more devotional and mindfulness practices will take precedence.

随后她发现了属于哈达瑜伽的比克拉姆热瑜伽是在加热的教室中进行的,需要更多的体力。Then she found Bikram or "Hot" Yoga which is a more physically demanding style of hatha yoga practiced in a heated studio.