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我很喜欢插花,并且我由参加插花的课程。I like ikebana very much and I take classes in it.

我很喜欢插花,并而且我由参加插花的课程。I like ikebana very much and I take classes in it.

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现在海外也有很多女性开始学习插花。Ikebana has now spread to other parts of the world.

插花艺术很深奥,但是掌握一些基本知识还是比较简单的。Ikebana is a deep subject, but it is easy to pick up the basics.

第三部分详细论述了日本花道文化的传承。The third part discusses the inheritance of Japanese ikebana culture in detail.

第二部分分析了日本花道文化的功能。The second part analyzes the function of the inheritance of Japanese ikebana culture.

此外,阿婆在老年大学还学习了美食、保健、中医、插花和音乐等。Mai also learned about cooking, health, traditional Chinese medicine, ikebana and music at the college.

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第四部分阐述了日本花道文化对我国传统文化的启示与借鉴。The fourth part talks about what we can learn from Japanese ikebana culture as our inspiration and reference.

一些男性花费数年时间掌握了这门艺术,现在他们则向新学员们传授花道的治疗功效。Some men have spent years mastering the art form and now teach new students the therapeutic effects of ikebana.

日本花道追求创造一种线条结构,韵律和颜色间的和谐美。The art of ikebana or japanese flower arrangement seeks to create a harmony of linear construction rhythm and color.

第二次世界大战结束以前,插花和茶道是单身女性结婚前必须学习的教养科目。Ikebana and tea ceremony were considered two essential skills that every woman needed to study before getting married.

日本“花道”可追溯到500多年前,最初在男性工匠和贵族中流行。Ikebana , or "the way of flowers," dates back more than 500 years and first blossomed among male artisans and aristocrats.

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日本“花道”可追溯到500多年前,最初在男性工匠和贵族中流行。Ikebana , or "the way of flowers, " dates back more than 500 years and first blossomed among male artisans and aristocrats.

切花生产在我国处在发展的初期,其生产水平和技术均落后于荷兰、日本等世界先进国家。Ikebana is still in a primitive stage in China and the productive level falls behind the developed countries Holland and Japan.

目前,日本全国估计有三千家插花学校和约1500万名插花爱好者,他们中的大部分人都将插花视为减轻忙碌生活压力的一种方式。There are an estimated 3,000 ikebana schools across Japan with some 15 million enthusiasts, most of whom see flower arrangement as an antidote to their hectic lives.

目前,日本全国估计有三千家插花学校和约1500万名插花爱好者,他们中的大部分人都将插花视为减轻忙碌生活压力的一种方式。There are an estimated 3, 000 ikebana schools across Japan with some 15 million enthusiasts, most of whom see flower arrangement as an antidote to their hectic lives.