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公元前1304年继位。BC succession in 1304.

我为什么要有接班计划?Why do I need succession planning?

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十六次连续说出这个。Say this sixteen times in succession.

他连续3次射中靶心。He hit three bull's eyes in succession.

约翰右拳一挥,将年轻人打翻在地。He was hit with a succession of rights.

他的话连珠炮似地说了出来。His words came out in quick succession.

皮尔逊先生在继任中成功了。Mr.Pearson succeeded in the succession.

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就证明你的美颜能够继承传流。Proving his beauty by succession thine!

而他的美就是继承于你的明证!Proving his beauty by succession thine.

一连上了好几道菜。Several courses were served in succession.

教师连着讲了两遍。The teacher explained twice in succession.

长时间接连不断的阴雨天使我们很厌烦。The long succession of wet days wore us out.

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崇明东滩湿地鸟类群落的演替规律。The general rules of avian community succession.

连续数日的阴天会让人情绪低落。A succession of dull days damps down the spirits.

一个胜利紧接着一个胜利。One victory followed another in quick succession.

配偶的延续执政也在尼加拉瓜形成威胁。Conjugal succession is also a threat in Nicaragua.

一连串提供饮料的一人售货亭。A succession of one-man stalls offered soft drinks.

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生活就是一连串的无事忙。Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.

私募股权的收购者们你来我往。A succession of private equity buyers came and went.

接着进行UWB下变频混频的设计。We designed UWB down-conversion Mixer in succession.