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把黑话保留下来有什么好处呢?What is the use of preserving slang?

是哽咽的苦胆,也是长存的甜蜜。A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.

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爱是将她的手印保存在水泥里。Love is preserving her handprints in cement.

保护双向表单中的机密信息Preserving confidentiality in a two-way form

大约300克至400克添加了果胶的蜜饯糖approx. 300–400g preserving sugar with added pectin

低温冷冻是保藏食品最简便的办法。Deep freezing is the simplest way of preserving food.

这是保和殿,即保存和谐之殿。This is Baohe Dian , or the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

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代码就地更新,保留所有已有的状态。Code is updated in-place, preserving all existing state.

然而,要尽可能多地保留石油钻机塔的几率看起来很渺茫。Yet the odds of preserving most oil-rig reefs look bleak.

生活的空间已经消失了,我们只是在保护一座遗迹。So the living part has died. You’re just preserving a relic.

归纳了中医学健康状态调摄的主要方式。Meanwhile, the main methods of preserving health is summed up.

经常运动对保持良好的体态也很重要。Regular movement is also important for preserving good posture.

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“你是在保留他的故事、皱纹以及其它的一切,”兰托斯说道。You are preserving his story, " said Lantos, "wrinkles and all. "

她们保存的那些卵子很少有几个是正常的。They were preserving their eggs when very few of them were normal.

并且轻度的一心多用者可能更擅长保持注意力。And light multitaskers might be better at preserving their attention.

国泰航空将集中精力保持现金水平直至危机解除。It will be focusing on preserving cash levels until the crisis abates.

希望保留京都议定书中对发展中国家义务的界定Keen on preserving Kyoto-style legal obligations for developing countries

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强有力的地方自治是支撑人类自由的基石。Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.

我们选择了另外一个颜色,希望能把头发颜色变深点,保住我的形象。We chose another color to make it darker in hopes of preserving my image.

Miller表示,一个统一的植物条形码可以有多种用途,包括为生物多样性分类,保护生物多样性及追踪非法砍伐等。from cataloguing and preserving biodiversity to tracking illegal logging.