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牙根上覆盖着的坚硬材料叫作牙骨质。The root is covered with a hard material called cementum.

这本书综合评论压焊给牙质和牙骨质和分析相关的黏著机制涂瓷釉。This book comprehensively reviews bonding to enamel, dentin and cementum and analyses relevant adhesion mechanisms.

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愈合晚期,纤维调节素表达于牙骨质和新骨交界处的主纤维。During the late stage, the principal fibers stained for fibromodulin at the interfaces between cementum and new bone.

牙囊细胞以其较强的增殖分化能力成为牙周组织工程研究的一种种子细胞。It can differentiate to periodontal ligament, cementum and proper alveolar bone throughing epithelium-mesenchyme action.

他们称之为水泥,即首次问世的真正混凝土,是罗马建筑至今仍健在的关键原因。They called it cementum – the first true concrete. It's the key reason why so much of what Rome built still survives today.

牙周膜是位于牙骨质和下颌骨的齿槽骨之间的结缔组织。The periodontal ligament is a connective tissue located between the cementum of teeth and the alveolar bone of the mandibula.

米诺环素处理根面后,能显著提高细胞的附着和增殖。Root conditioning by minocycline-HCl could improve PDLC attachment and proliferation on root cementum surface affected by periodontitis.

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牙骨质是牙根形成的重要矿化组织,然而,对牙骨质形成机制仍不十分明确。Cementum is an important mineralized tissue in root formation, however, the precise mechanism of cementum formation remains undetermined.

方法将骨髓基质细胞与牙骨质片和股骨片在体外共同培养,分别在第7天、第28天进行光镜观察及碱性磷酸酶的测定。Methods BMSCs were co-cultured with cementum slices and femora slices in vitro, to detect with light microscope at 7 day and 28 day, and to determine ALP activity.

方法应用体外细胞培养技术观察MC3T3-E1成骨细胞株在不同处理的牙骨质表面的生长状况。Methods Cell culture technique in vitro had been used to study the growth condition of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast line on the surface of cementum treated with various methods.

釉质基质蛋白由Hertwig’s上皮根鞘分泌,能诱导发育牙根上的非细胞牙骨质的初期成形。Enamel matrix protein is secreted by Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and is responsible for initiating the original formation of acellular cementum on the developing tooth root.

口腔正畸学的生物学基础在于颌骨的可塑性、牙骨质的抗压性及牙周膜内环境的稳定性。It is well know that the biological basis of Orthodontics is the plasticity of jaw, the strength-proof of cementum and the stability of periodontal ligament internal environment.