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我时常对我的祖先们很好奇。I often wondered my ancestry.

捷克人说的塞而维克语。A person of Japanese ancestry.

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他的妻子是王族的后裔。His wife was of royal ancestry.

他颇以自己是世家子弟为荣耀。He takes great pride in his ancestry.

他希望找出更多关于H1N1病毒起源的信息。He wants to know more about the H1N1 virus' ancestry.

追溯到他们的祖先匈奴的休屠王。They trace their ancestry to King Xiutu of the Xiongnu.

对我在夏溪碰到的人来说,家庭是血脉也是祖先。For those I met in Xia Xi, family is blood and ancestry.

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你只能通过存在“进化上的共同祖先”来解释。You can only explain this by evolutionary common ancestry.

英裔血统的居民几乎占了全城人口的四分之三。Almost three fourths of the population are of British ancestry.

毫无疑问,现代主义有其声名显赫的的智慧祖先。To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry.

然而,“让人不快”的工作有一些独特特点。A miserable job, Lunette Ray Ban, about, has some accepted ancestry.

土库曼斯坦喜欢被马匹了解和对人的祖先。Turkmenian like to be aware of the ancestry of both people and horses.

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掌上计算机的祖先更象是电子计算器而非个人计算机。A palmtops ancestry owes more to the electronic calculator than to the PC.

掌上计算机的祖先更象是计算器而非个人计算机。A palmtop's ancestry owes more to the electronic calculator than to the PC.

一个有趣的问题是对乌兹冲锋枪的设计血统。An interesting question is the ancestry of the design of Uzi submachinegun.

这种尼日利亚矮山羊源自西非小奶羊的后裔。Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry.

阿尔茨海默病在本家系中显示为常染色体显性遗传。The Alzheimer in this ancestry appears as autosomal dominant genetic disease.

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血统与现实世界,形成了深具魅力的家族文学的源头。Ancestry and reality are the rich sources of both charming sartoris literature.

我宽恕我的祖先对地球或任何其内王国不尊重的舞蹈。I forgive my ancestry for the dance of dishonor of earth or any kingdom therein.

伊俄出身于神祗世家,父亲是俄刻阿诺斯的儿子。Io was of divine ancestry. Her father was the river-god Inachus, son of Oceanus.