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米洛问。Milo asked.

的右手臂上有个星形的文身。Milo has a star tattoo on his right bicep.

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那是个记忆棒。"It's a memory stick, " said Milo Pressman.

米洛在尼娜背后冲雅梅做了个鬼脸。Behind Nina's back, Milo made a face at Jamey.

杰克认为米洛是个能干的手下,只不过常常有点天真。Jack found Milo to be competent, though frequently naive.

麦洛帮他用一个临时登录进入了网络。Milo hooks him up with a temporary entry onto the network.

我希望你旁听,如果你能把米洛也接进来,那就更好了。I want you to listen in, too, and patch Milo in if you can.

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在反恐组,麦洛告知杰克,埃利斯的尸体被发现了。At CTU, Milo gives Jack the news that Ellis’ body was found.

在反恐组,麦洛向杰克做简报介绍他所查到了三名可能的刺客的资料。At CTU, Milo briefs Jack about the three possible shooters he uncovered.

麦洛向尼娜和托尼报告,他查到的盖恩斯的相关内容。Milo reports to Nina and Tony about what he’s found on Gaines’ identity.

托尼在杰米的电脑上找到了一封加密的电邮,他叫麦洛对其解密。Tony finds an encrypted email on Jamey’s computer and has Milo decode it.

渐变型同轴慢波结构是磁绝缘线振荡器的核心部分。The tapered coaxial slow-wave-structure is the most important part of a MILO.

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千万别错过美丽的「米罗的维纳斯」和达文西名画「蒙娜丽莎」。Be sure not to miss the beautiful Venus de Milo or da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa.

电话仍然与反恐组连线,麦洛继续试图追溯这个手机的方位。With the call still connected to CTU Milo continues his attempts to trace the call.

电话仍然与反恐组连线,麦洛继续试图追溯这个手机的方位。With the call still connected to CTU, Milo continues his attempts to trace the call.

麦洛越来越接近解密杀手的名字,盖恩斯指令杰克去换了那张钥匙卡。As Milo gets closer to naming the shooter Gaines orders Jack to switch the key cards.

下嘴唇末梢神经坏死…应该算是小残疾吧…Milo 's mouth is crooked because he was born with dead nerve endings in his lower lip.

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最近eBay把米洛整合到它的一些核心产品里面,包括RedLaser这款软件。Most recently eBay integrated Milo into a few of its core products, including RedLaser.

尼娜叫麦洛查清盖恩斯的身份,指示他负责所有杰米的工作任务。Nina has Milo research Gaines’ identity, putting him in charge of all Jamey’s projects.

由于进行处理的是一张假的钥匙卡,麦洛在解密这张卡的过程中遇到了麻烦。Since the key card he is working on is a fake Milo runs into problems trying to decode it.