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不可动摇的信念曾支撑过他。Unflagging faith had persevered him.

对于投资有持续的兴趣。He has an unflagging interest in investing.

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一个好领导者的不倦的乐观情绪可以激励每一个人。The unflagging optimism of a good leader energizes everyone.

政府间的这些合作需要坚持不懈的努力。The co-operation of these governments requires unflagging effort.

对通灵学研究的热情一直持续到他生命的最后一刻。Up to the end his enthusiasm for psychic investigation was unflagging.

每次从母亲身边离开,我都被她勇气不懈的精神所鼓舞着。Every time I left her side, I was energized by her courage and unflagging spirit.

在所有国家的文学作品里,我们都看到一种不懈的努力,使人们不断地对勇敢表示敬仰。In the literature of all countries we find an unflagging endeavour to keep alive this reverence.

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记住,有愿望、有目标、有不懈的努力,你就能得到你想要的任何东西。Remember that through desire, Goal setting and unflagging effort you can have anything you want.

记住,有愿望、有目标、有不懈的努力,你就能得到你想得到的任何东西。Remember that through desire, goal setting and unflagging effort you can have anything you want.

不论队员领先还是落后,来自同学的支持一直不断。Whether a competitor was leading or lagging the field, support from their classmates was unflagging.

我更要多谢四位特别的朋友从一开始便和我一起走毕全程,无尽感激!I'm particularly grateful for the unflagging support of four special friends who're vital to my life supporting system.

随着他的波斯口音的阿拉伯语,醒目的外表和不懈的能源,萨德尔赢得跨越宗派分歧的尊重。With his Persian-accented Arabic, striking physical appearance and unflagging energy, Sadr earned respect across the sectarian divide.

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战斗持续了许多天,但是不屈不挠的阿拉索军队从没懈怠过,他们在巨魔的攻击中从未后退一步。The battle lasted for many days, but the unflagging armies of Arathor never tired or gave an inch of ground before the troll onslaught.

准确规范、精练生动、情感充沛是衡量教学语言的基本标准。Accuracy and normality, conciseness and liveliness, together with unflagging passions, are the basic standards to evaluate teaching language mastering.

梅的决定令中国方面感到惶恐,之前那届英国政府对该项目的持续支持让中国官员感到安心。Mrs May's decision has caused consternation in Beijing, where officials had been reassured by the previous government's unflagging support for the project.

她以科学学士的身份毕业,带着上流社会的口音,抱着锲而不舍的决心要进入政界。She was graduated with a bachelor of science degree, an upper-class accent acquired by elocution lessons, and an unflagging determination to enter politics.

在第一个50年的二十世纪,中国人民付出了不懈的努力来改变的悲惨命运,他们已自鸦片战争。In the first 50 years of the 20th century, the Chinese people made unflagging efforts to change the tragic fate that had been theirs ever since the Opium War.

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一个领导者能够建立人们的信心,让他们相信他们可以完成他们以前不可能完成的事情。一个好领导者的不倦的乐观情绪可以激励每一个人。A leader builds people's confidence that they can accomplish what they have never accomplished before. The unflagging optimism of a good leader energizes everyone.

中国政府将一如既往地继续为之不懈努力,中国的儿童事业必将得到更大的发展。The Chinese government is willing to make unflagging efforts as usual to fulfill its obligation. Chinese children's cause is bound to make even greater development.

什么的狗看到的是又一个强劲的精神和充沛的好奇心已葛拉威尔我们最出色的隐藏特别调查的例子。What the Dog Saw is yet another example of the buoyant spirit and unflagging curiosity that have made Malcolm Gladwell our most brilliant investigator of the hidden extraordinary.