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那时候我才驱魔。That's when I do exorcism.

真是做法驱魔的好日子。What an excellent day for an exorcism.

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如此的不,我不真的从它拿驱邪。So no, I didn't really get exorcism from it.

今天驱邪是更具暴力和更有系统的。Today the exorcism is more violent and systematic.

驱邪中必须念诵特别的咒语。Specific incantations had to be uttered in exorcism.’1

在约翰福音中则丝毫没有提到驱魔。You know there's not one exorcism in the Gospel of John.

战斗的圣洁现在不再减少驱邪术的冷却时间。Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism.

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驱魔期间他们遇到了过多的过度行为。The excess that they encountered during the exorcism was so excessive.

我在烛台区的一家酒吧遇见门多萨,对他而言,这部小说是一个驱魔。For Mendoza, whom I met in a bar in La Candelaria, the novel was an exorcism.

每次驱巫都是“英雄”与“群众”合谋对疯狂者的绞杀。Each exorcism all is strangling the mad to death by the "the hero" and "the crowd".

史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。Prehistoric times one of the ways that the exorcism and governance of medical illness.

谢天谢地,否则这场小孩和狗之间的驱魔仪式真是不可思议。Thank God, otherwise this exorcism ritual between a child and a canine would have been really weird.

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实施大湘西傩文化一体化营销策略和灵活性定价策略。We should implement systematical marketing and elastic price strategy of big XiangXi exorcism Culture.

像是那个好用的小小驱魔咒语。它们还会在恶魔出现之前,告诉我恶魔所在的位置。Like the snappy little exorcism spell. And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens.

正因如此,所以牦牛骨制作的饰品,也会被他们认为有辟邪求福的作用。This is why , yak bone accessories will also be considered as the role of Exorcism and of seeking happiness.

另一个我对这个内容感兴趣的原因是因曾经有一位驱邪师为我驱过邪。Another reason I fid the subject interesting is that I've had an exorcism performed on me. You read that right.

正如卡斯特雷萨纳后来对媒体所言,“危地马拉的政府机构必须从内部进行清理——他们需要一场驱魔大法。”As Castresana later told the press, “Guatemala's institutions must be purged from the inside—they need an exorcism.

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正如卡斯特雷萨纳后来对媒体所言,“危地马拉的政府机构必须从内部进行清理——他们需要一场驱魔大法。”As Castresana later told the press, “Guatemala’s institutions must be purged from the inside—they need an exorcism.”

一般地是假定这个短语是引用于耶稣的一个驱魔情节,暗示了抹大拉是着魔的。It is generally assumed that this phrase refers to a species of exorcism on Jesus' part, implying the Magdalene was possessed.

驱邪术现在能对所有类型的目标造成伤害,然而它会总是对亡灵和恶魔目标造成暴击。Exorcism this spell now causes damage to all types of enemy targets. However, it always critical strikes undead or demon targets.