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使你倾向我多变的愿望。Incline thee to my changeful will.

具有质轻,绿色环保,抗辐射,不下陷,不易变形等特点。With light green, resist radiation, not sinking, changeful form, etc.

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汪精卫一生的政治思想复杂而多变。Wang Jingwei's political thought was complex and changeful all his life.

行为幼稚、愚蠢、零乱,精神症状丰富易变。Behavior is babyish , foolish, messy, mental symptom is rich and changeful.

这些风险的客观存在,导致了投资风险复杂多变的特征。The objective existence of these risks have caused investment risk complex changeful feature.

传统的生产模式已不能很好地适应多变的市场环境。Therefore, the traditional production mode is unable to adapt to the changeful market environment.

这些可能都会像2000年新闻门户的竞争一样,漫长而多变。These likelihoods can resemble the competition of news portal is same 2000, endless and changeful.

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希腊半岛与埃维亚岛之间的海潮以凶猛多变闻名于世。Greek peninsula and Avon Olivia island ocean tide with fierce changeful between famous in the world.

以便更好地处置大量、多变的出产数据,到达化工出产入程优质、高产、低耗的目的。Large and changeful production data may be dealed with well aiming at high quality, high yield and low use up.

此作的视觉表现力突出,画面的墨色层次丰富多变,浑然天成,一任自然率真之气,充满了神秘之感。The visual expression is outstanding. The picture's inky level is rich and changeful. It is full of mysterious feeling.

劳动合同客观、明确、稳定,心理契约主观、丰富、易变。The contract of labor is objective, clear and steady, while the psychological contract is subjective, rich and changeful.

塔什库尔干河流域水系复杂,地貌特征多变,洪水特点明显。The Taxkorgan river basin has the characteristics of complicated drainage, changeful topographical feature and obvious flood feature.

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其特殊的创办宗旨,曲折的发展历程,变化的银行性质等,都有着深远的影响。The special purpose of establishment, the tortuous course of development and the changeful quality of bank etc, which made a great impact.

架子以它多变的形式、科学的组合方式和简便的安装充分弥补了空间利用上的不足。The combination with its changeful form, science and handy installation made up for frame adequately the space uses the inadequacy that go up.

该技术利用流态化燃烧的固有特点,避免了碱金属问题和针对多变秸秆燃料的适应性问题。With the characteristic of fluidized burning, this technology avoids alkali metals problem and the adaptability problem of changeful straw fuel.

李江是个多变的家伙,油画、水墨、装置、陶艺各种方式都信手拈来,从不会拘束于手段。Li Jiang is a changeful guy as he is proficient in oil painting, ink painting, installation and pottery art and he is never constrained to measures.

在动态多变的市场环境下,供应链需要以最小的成本、最短的时间向顾客传递更多的价值。In the dynamic and changeful market environment, a supply chain should use the least cost to transfer the most value to the customers in the shortest time.

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虽然你有了一群新同事,但与旧同事和旧上司保持联系十分重要,特别是在这种易变的工作环境中。Although you have many new workmates, it is very important to keep touch with the former workmates and bosses, especially in the changeful work environment.

受室内温度、湿度影响,轻易变形、扭曲、起翘、开裂,而石膏板稳定性要超过夹板。Suffer effect of indoor temperature, humidity, the look is changeful form, screwy , case become warped, craze, and plasterboard stability should exceed splint.

人类是唯一被迫离开了依靠本能生存的状态,而被抛入了一个变幻无常、开放的状态之中。The human being is the only species in the world that have to depart form the state of living by its instinct and been thrown into an open and changeful state.