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2001年2月,我们在雪鸟滑雪场相聚。We got together in February 2001 in Snowbird.

犹他州的公园城市和雪鸟让一些儿童免费滑雪。Park City and Snowbird in Utah let some children ski free.

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这雪鸟计划总部设在内华达州。Project Snowbird was created for this purpose. It to, was headquartered in Nevada.

雪鸟蛋是一种象征,预示着你将美梦成真。The Egg of the snowbird is a symbol of the artist's wish that your dreams may come true.

OverStock的面试是两天,第二天还去了SnowBird滑雪。My interview with was two days, with the 2nd day on the slopes at Snowbird.

雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。The snowbird sings a song he always sings, and speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring.

雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。The snowbird sings his everyday song, and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming.

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那些雪鸟居住在我们梦中的世界,在那里充满自由,纯净的自然流淌着质朴之美。The Snowbird inhabits our world of dreams where freedom reigns and the pristine beauty of nature is undefiled.

理查特先生是多伦多大学的博士生,他说雪鸟“象征着一个古老的航空梦想的实现”。Mr Reichert, a PhD student at the University of Toronto, said the Snowbird "represents the completion of an age-old aeronautical dream".

静谧弥深,连松鼠儿都停止了它们不合时宜的喧闹,唯有雪鸟发出几声微弱的鸣叫,却愈发衬托出这世界的幽静。The silence is dense and deep. Even the squirrels have stopped their ribald chattering. And faint snowbird whisperings seems to emphasize the stillness.