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我会尽量讲得生动一些。I'll try to make it as interesting as I humanly can do.

即使生命值得我们为其争斗,人类如何才能用人力为生命而争斗?Even if life is worth fighting for, how is it humanly possible?

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而且信息本来就是要被尽可能的传送到到每个人身边,被分享,被讨论。It's meant to reach as many people as humanly possible, shared, and discussed.

回应一下使徒的话,“人怎能作到这些呢?这对任何一个人是不可能的!”To echo the apostles, “How can anyone possibly do this? This is humanly impossible!”

宣泄女性的幽暗面,对她们符合人性、符合常理的行为进行无情的嘲讽。The gloominess of women was utterly explored and jeers were made at their reasonable humanly deeds.

她觉得那些害羞而不受欢迎的男孩子们日子不好过,所以只要在她能接受的范围之内,她都愿意同情他们。She thought shy or unpopular boys had a hard life, and she took pity on them insofar as was humanly possible.

我做了所有力所能及的事让他继续治疗,但是毫无效果。And I did everything humanly possible within my power to keep him on a treatment regimen, but, alas, to no avail.

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假如我们坐在一个潜在的切尔诺贝利之上,我们知道我们会工作的尽可能快然后回家。If we were sitting on top a potential Chernobyl, we know we'd be working to get home as fast as humanly possible.

固然,在世界上不可胜数的异景中,只遴选几个处所是不适当的,也不吻合人道。It is not only inappropriate to just pick a few places from the huge expanse of the world but also humanly impossible.

当然,在世界上数不胜数的奇观中,只挑选几个地方是不恰当的,也不符合人性。It is not only inappropriate to just pick a few places from the huge expanse of the world but also humanly impossible.

并不意味放弃每件事,虽然一些人认为尽可能快意味着尽可能力所能及地快。ASAP doesn't mean drop everything, although some people assume "as soon as possible" means "as soon as humanly possible."

就这点而言,想要超过科比过去三个月的表现相,这就人力几乎不可能做到的。To that point, it's pretty much humanly impossible to play the game any better than Kobe has played for the past three months.

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造化所生的自然王国和人类建造的人造国度正在融为一体。The realm of the born -- all that is nature -- and the realm of the made -- all that is humanly constructed -- are becoming one.

那就尽量从力所能及的简单之处开始。着手这个新的业务有多简单?做这个产品到底有多简单?不论已经多么简单,把它变得更简单些。Start as simply as humanly possible. How simple can you make this new business? How simple can you make the product? Make it even simpler.

像其他人一样,功利主义者希望刑罚制度是可预见的,穷尽人类可能的,只有违法的人才能与其发生冲突。Like others, utilitarians want penal institutions designed so that, as far as humanly possible, only those who break the law run afoul of it.

在圣经中,上帝对事物的预知是人所不有的,并且这些事无一例外地准确发生了。In the Bible God foretells events that humanly speaking would be impossible to predict, and yet they have come to pass with unerring accuracy.

我们认为如何智能的选择成员搜索引擎和如何对返回的结果进行自动分类是使元搜索引擎系统更加人性化的关键技术。We think how to select member search engine and how to have the search result auto-Cluster is critical technique of making Metasearch used humanly.

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技术潜力与人力所及之间的鸿沟,即颠覆定律的主要副产品,必定在短期内导致巨变。The gap between the potential and the humanly possible, the chief by-product of Law of Disruption, inevitably leads to dramatic change in the short term.

以人为本,就是在艾滋病防治中要尊重、保护并实现个人的基本权利,人性化地解决艾滋病问题。People-oriented means that in the process of AIDS Prevention we should respect, protect and come true the individual right, resolve the AIDS problem humanly.

球员在球衣下戴着护具,鼓的像超人般。头盔及气氛把这赛事扇成个战场。The players wear protective gears underneath the uniforms to make them look super- humanly strong. The helmets and the general atmosphere make it like a battle.