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巨鹿县种植枸杞已有30多年的历史。Wolfberry plant more than 30 years of history.

枸杞子能补肝肾。Chinese Wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidney.

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客好主意,我想来一听枸杞汁。Guest Good idea! I'll have a fresh wolfberry juice.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Wolfberry can make tea to drink, have a strong medicinal value.

宁夏枸杞叶茶中铁和锌元素含量较丰富。Fe and Se contents were richer in wolfberry leaf tea of Ningxia.

滋肾补肝又明目,枸杞加上粥里香。Kidney Bugan another eyesight, Chinese wolfberry with porridge Hong.

由于色红如血,河北枸杞又有“血杞”之称。Because of color such as red blood, Hebei Chinese wolfberry and "Blood Qi, " known.

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枸杞烂根病是枸杞栽培中最严重的病害。Chinese wolfberry root rot was the most damaging disease in its cultivation in Xinjiang.

从食用方法上来说,直接嚼着吃更有利于发挥枸杞的保健效果。From method, direct eat more conducive to chew the health effects play Chinese wolfberry.

白果,小北芪,党参,枸杞胡椒,煲猪肚鸡,孕妇吃吗?。Ginkgo, small Beiqi, Codonopsis, wolfberry pepper, chicken pot bellies, pregnant women eat?

枸杞作为药食两用的进补佳品,有多种食用方法。Chinese wolfberry as medicine and food is tasted, the supplements have multiple edible method.

公司主要从事食用枸杞芽菜的种植、加工和销售。The company is mainly engaged in edible Chinese wolfberry sprout's plant, processing and sales.

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枸杞茶、菊花茶、决明子茶和杜仲茶也有相同功效。Chinese wolfberry tea, chrysanthemum tea, cassia seed tea and Eucommia Tea have the same effect.

方剂的核心药物为熟地黄、枸杞子、茯苓、当归、菟丝子、川芎、山药。The core prescription drugs rehmannia, wolfberry fruit, Poria, Angelica, Semen, Chuan Xiong, yam.

杞子宝”枸杞选用宁夏中宁优质枸杞。"Qizi Treasure" Chinese Wolfberry is selected from the high-quality Chinese Wolfberry in Ningxia.

真没想到,生长在路边、田头的不起眼的枸杞,竟然有这么多的用途。I never thought, growing at the roadside, a tiny Chinese wolfberry farms, yet there are so many uses.

本发明获得的枸杞清汁,透明清亮,可用于制备饮料。The obtained Chinese wolfberry juice is transparent and clear and can be used for preparing beverage.

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很多人喜欢吃酒酿鸡蛋,但这里推荐的枸杞酒酿蛋用的是鹌鹑蛋。Many people like to eat eggs Jiuniang, but here Jiuniang wolfberry recommended that the quail eggs with eggs.

但是,用枸杞泡水或煲汤时,其中的药效并不能完全发挥出来。But, with Chinese wolfberry bubble water or soup, including the efficacy and cannot be brought into full play.

研究了影响低糖枸杞子果酱色泽褐变的诸因素。Varieties of factors that influenced the low-sugar jam of the fruit of Chinese wolfberry browning were studied.