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匕首牢牢地卡在银质刀鞘中。The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard.

拔出从剑鞘或枪套中或仿佛从剑鞘或枪套中拔出。To draw from or as if from a sheath or scabbard.

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剑了解它经历过的一切。The darkness of a scabbard. A sword knows all that.

木鞘包裹牛皮,黄铜配件。Wooden scabbard cowered in leather, has all brass parts.

此刀柄连同一老刀鞘还有一刀刃我一起是200元收进的。I bought it with an old scabbard and a blade by 200 Yuan.

那把刀是用黑色皮子包的刀鞘。过一阵上图给大家!!!!That Dao has the black scabbard. I'll post the pics later! ! ! !

漂亮!第一张图中刀鞘和柄上镶嵌的是玛瑙吗?Beautiful! Is the thing inlaid in the scabbard and handle carnelian ?

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鞘膜积液手术后该怎样调理?。After scabbard film accumulates fluid operation how should recuperate?

我将会把剑给他,连同剑鞘,也许他可以很好地使用它们。I will give him the sword, the scabbard too, and may he use them well.

剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却螨足于它自己的迟钝。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the word.

不要在拔刀的时候用手指整个的握住刀鞘。Do not encircle the scabbard with your fingers while drawing out your khukuri.

剑鞘甘愿粗钝,它保护着利剑的锋刃。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the Keenness of the sword.

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刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

剑鞘保护着剑的锋利,却满足于它自己的迟钝。The scabbard is content to the dull when it protects the keenness of the word.

刀鞘庇护刀的尖锐,它本身则知足于它的痴钝。the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.

这腰带在腰旁也佩以保护剑的剑鞘或护套。The belt was also fitted with a scabbard or sheath to secure his sword to his side.

飞翼变形。作为无双剑的剑鞘和胸部外甲。Wings' transmation. It is Musou Ken's scabbard and the armour of God Sigma's breast.

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一次次,剑与鞘回到我手中,回到它们诞生的地方。Each time, the sword and scabbard came back to me, drawn to the place of their makeing.

然而这一天终于来到了,剑顺顺当当地插入了鞘。However, there came a day finally when the sword slipped into the scabbard quite easily.

刀鞘松垮的时候,一定要注意刀和刀鞘分开储放。In loose cases, always make sure to keep the blade and scabbard separately when storing.