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我们的鼻中不再扣环。Rings shall vanish from our noses.

当然了,这个婴儿并未胎死腹中。Of course, that baby didn't vanish.

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这一切在黄昏不合时宜地消退。Vanish h'd unseasonably at shut of eve.

什么动物会消失在“烟幕”里?Which animals vanish in a smoke screen?

冒火的舌头,你的火焰能消失吗?A tongue on fire, can the flames vanish?

可现在一切希望均成泡影。Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish.

世间一切名相消失之时,也就是智慧的开端。Wisdom dawns when names and forms vanish.

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我祷告,焦虑并不轻减。I prayed, but the darkness did not vanish.

我国独立似乎消失在烟霞。My independence seems to vanish in the haze.

大风大浪已是过眼云烟。Wind and wave has already was vanish quickly.

一己的愤懑消散在这些影子中。Individual plights vanish in these here shadows.

消失可以正确清鸡蛋的仇恨。Vanish now correctly wipes threat on Kil'jaeden.

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听听我的心灵,我愿消失在你的深吻里。Listen to my heart, I want to vanish inside your kiss.

当你正视了害怕,它们便如轻烟般消失了。When you face your fears, they will vanish like smoke.

我默默等到他们的车消失在视线里,才挂上标示。I wait for their car to vanish before I put up the sign.

他决定,要消失得无影无踪。He will, he decides, simply try to vanish without a trace.

你会看到哪些目标不断浮现而哪些逐渐消失。You’ll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish.

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而在那一刻你起身,那昏昏欲睡的感觉将在几分钟内完全消失。If you get up, the drowsiness will vanish in a minute or two.

你最初要购买的想法经常一夜间就消失了。Often, that initial impulse to buy will just vanish overnight.

它腾然而出,竭尽解救之力,而后却再次消失在想象中。Leaping to the rescue only to vanish again into the imagination.