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悲伤和痛苦。Sadness and pain.

悲伤也是一种病?Is sadness a sickness?

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他显得很凄伤的样子。He looked sadness itself.

我首先看到的就是悲伤。Most of all I see sadness.

剪不断,理还乱,是离愁?Cut, and chaotic, is sadness?

他们感到悔恨和悲伤。They feel regret and sadness.

是独自品味自己的伤恨离别吗?Is it tasting your sadness alone?

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我的心中为何会生悲?Why is there sadness in my heart?

她脸色阴沉。Her face was overcast with sadness.

愁雾疑云罪恶忧惊。Melt the clouds of sin and sadness.

希望可以使她摆脱悲伤。A hope could slough off her sadness.

乔凡尼的愤怒变成了悲伤。Giovanni's anger changed to sadness.

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今夜所有哀伤皆刻在你的叶间。All tonight's sadness in your design.

她的歌曲流露出巨大的忧伤之情。Great sadness emanated from her song.

极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?Is Elysium there are joy and sadness?

䄑翱爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness.

她的眼眶里蕴含着一股伤心的泪水。Tears of sadness well up in her eyes.

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我立刻悲从中来。I was immediately struck with sadness.

爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。英文签名带翻译。Love soaked in bracer, deduce sadness.

他羞愧和悲伤得低下了头。He bowed his head in shame and sadness.