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利息还是保管费?Interest Or Custodian Fee?

希望大家能够做护法神。Custodian of hope that we can do God.

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奈布,诸神监守者,记住!NEBO, Custodian of the Gods, Remember!

“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看守人说。“Don't dally, go get it,” said the custodian.

“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快往拿短剑。”看管人说。"Don't dally , go get it, " said the custodian.

基金托管费每日计提,按月支付。Custodian fee of fund is set aside every day and paid every month.

商业银行作为独立的第三方资金托管人。Commercial banks act as an independent third-party funds custodian.

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看守人看见他在黑暗中奔来跑去。The custodian could see him darting back and forth in the darkness.

你应该会收到来自第三方托管人的帐户报表。You should receive account statements from a third-party custodian.

“欧联杯是球队本赛季唯一可以争夺的荣誉了,”雷纳表示。"This is the only trophy we can lift this season, " said the custodian.

奥古斯丁·汉考克当小学看管人20年了。Augustine Hancock served as an elementary-school custodian for 20 years.

我只是让你保管我的钱,所以我应该给你保管费。I only asked you to keep it for me, so I should pay you a custodian fee.

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红军门神说“我们必须脚踏实地,一场一场的去踢,并且保持不断进步”"We have to go little by little and keep progressing, " said the custodian.

第二部分分析了国外契约型基金托管人法律制度。The second part analyzes legal system of foreign contractual fund custodian.

服务监管者的责任对于这一方式的成功是至关重要的。The responsibility of the service custodian can be vital to the success of this approach.

买方应为代表我方名义的单独所有或共同所有的保管人。The Buyer shall be custodian of the sole ownership or co-ownership thus arising on our behalf.

美元与50,000股公司多达800人,如果所有的无记名股票存放与英属维尔京群岛托管人。USD 800 for Company with up to 50,000 shares, if all bearer shares are kept with a BVI Custodian.

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第二十三条合格投资者经国家外汇局批准,应当在托管人处开立一个人民币特殊账户。Article 23. Upon the approval of SAFE, a QFII should open a RMB special account with its custodian.

托管人必须为不同的合格投资者分别设置账户,对受托管理的资产实行分帐管理。A custodian should set up different accounts for different QFII, and manage those accounts separately.

这位前雷恩门将认为,球队要获胜,进攻和防守都应同样出色。The former rennes custodian believes winning sides need the ability to attack and defend equally well.