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我期望你能够放下你的愤怒,只为了他。I expect that you can take off your dander only for him.

头皮发红很痒,常常有头皮屑。为什么会这样?。Scalp is aglow very urticant, often have dander. Why to meet such?

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猫皮屑是承运人机制猫过敏,这是够糟的了。Cat dander is a carrier mechanism for cat allergens, which is bad enough.

灰尘、尘螨和动物毛发是常常会陷留在地毯的纤维间。Dirt, dust mites and animal dander are typically trapped in the carpet fibers.

现在我得和这毛球一起为这没前途的本地早间节目工作!Here I am working with this sack of dander on a dead-end regional morning show.

窗户上挂着薄棉布窗帘,上面有些泛白的绒毛或说是一些毛屑。The windows were nearly opaque, with a scrim of some sort of pale fluff or dander.

在目前的美中纠纷中,双方都有足够的理由发怒。In the current U.S.-China feud, both sides have ample grounds to get their dander up.

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宝宝快三个月了,头皮和眉毛的皮肤老起皮屑怎么办?Three months a baby soon, scalp and eyebrows dander from the skin of the old how to do?

人身体内对过敏原都有一个特定的界限,比如花粉或动物的皮屑。Your body may have a threshold for a particular allergen, such as pollen or animal dander.

真菌镜检可见发外大量真菌孢子,皮屑中有透明分隔菌丝。Microscopic examination showed fungal spores outside the hair shaft and hyphae in the dander.

如果你对头皮屑,狗毛,狗口水过敏,你可能会对拉拉有意见。If you have allergies to dog hair, dander or saliva, you will probably have problems with a Lab.

如果你对头皮屑,狗毛,狗口水过敏,你可能会对拉拉有意见。If we have allergies to dog hair, dander or spit, we will substantially have problems with the Lab.

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这些步骤有助于控制常见的过敏原,包括尘螨,霉菌,动物皮屑和花粉。These steps help to control common allergens, including dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollens.

宠物的毛发和头屑也会对本本的排风扇和冷却系统造成严重的问题,并引起高温。Pet hair and dander can wreak serious havoc with your fans and cooling systems and cause overheating.

今天我去看过敏科大夫,发现我对狗、猫、羊毛、羊绒以及宠物身上的皮屑都过敏。Today, I went to the allergist. I found out that I am allergic to dogs, cats, wool, fleece, and pet dander.

经常用吸尘器清理地毯。灰尘、尘螨和动物毛发是常常会陷留在地毯的纤维间。Vacuum carpets as often as possible. Dirt, dust mites and animal dander are typically trapped in the carpet fibers.

过敏是在接触到了类似于花粉、霉菌、灰尘或者宠物毛屑等过敏原的时候免疫系统作出的过激反应造成的。Allergies are caused by an overactive immune system responding to an allergen such as pollen, mold, dust or pet dander.

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有人认为宠物身上的灰尘、皮屑、细菌都会让婴儿的免疫系统产生反应,阻止不必要的反应。Some think that all the extra dust, dander and bacteria train a baby’s immune system, stopping it from reacting unnecessarily.

喷上兽医开的或宠物店卖的喷液也能有助于减少在表皮上找到大量皮屑。A spray-on formula available through veterinarians and pet retailers may also help to reduce the amount of dander found on coats.

殷宪国。何佩蓉。黎慧玲复盐沉淀法脱除湿法磷酸中镁铝氟杂质的研究。Kenneth Lee Parks. Kyle Dander Clevenger. Daniel Patrick McDonald Remove of magnesium and aluminum impurities from wet process phosphoric acid.