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而今天,“群众生产”机器则基本不依靠货币经济的法则运行。Today’s peer-production machine runs in a mostly nonmonetary economy.

对同类产品的非货币经济而言,开放是一件美妙的事情。Openness is a wonderful thing in the nonmonetary economy of peer production.

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从预先决定的或自由形式的模版演示非货币性决定。Demonstrate nonmonetary determination from predetermined or free form template.

企业也可以通过非经济的途径来保持和激励员工的责任心。A firm can also keep its employees committed and motivated by nonmonetary means.

管理会计不太强调可验证性,而强调非货币数据。Management accounting places less emphasis on verifiability and more emphasis on nonmonetary data.

Becker允许将一些非货币因素,比如浪漫的爱情和友谊,加入到求爱时期的损益表中。Becker allowed nonmonetary elements, like romantic love and companionship, to be entered into courtship\'s profit and loss statement.

关联方关系的存在可能导致发生的非货币性资产交换不具有商业实质。The existence of the relationship between connected parties is likely to cause the loss of commercial nature of nonmonetary assets transaction.

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如果非货币性项目重新表述的金额超过了通货膨胀调整的历史成本,那么该重述金额应当冲减到历史成本中?If the restated amount of a nonmonetary item exceeds the inflation adjusted historical costs, the restated amount should be reduced to historical costs.

另一种非经济激励途径即强调工作质量,该激励理论认为,大多数员工不情愿看到自己的工作产生了劣质的产品。Another nonmonetary incentive emphasizes quality, on the theory that most workers are unhappy when they know their work goes to producing a shoddy product.

但是,既然认可措施可能包括货币的和非货币的、正式的和非正式的、个人的和团体的等各种方式,那么奖励和认可体系允许具有灵活性。However, since recognition can include monetary and nonmonetary , formal and informal, and individual and group mechanisms, reward and recognition systems do permit flexibility.

从我们的角度来讲,我们将企业家定义为承担必要的风险来组织和管理一项事业并获得经济收益和非货币回报的人。For our purposes, we will define the entrepreneur as a person who takes the necessary risks to organize and manage a business and receives the financial profits and nonmonetary rewards.

当然,还有很多非金钱的回报。众多研究都表明,大学毕业生身体素质更好,更加关注自己所在的社区,他们的子女也有更好的受教育的机会。There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their communities, and raise kids who are better prepared academically, studies show.