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孝敬,尊敬父母是每个子女都应尽的责任和义务!Youth's first duty is reverence to parents.

让我们记住并且敬畏那些逝去的生命们。We remember with reverence the lives we lost.

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惟独末底改不跪不拜。But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence.

我们尊敬传统,但不愿被它束缚。We reverence tradition but will not is fetter by it.

他们全都听进了耳朵,但他们都对他益发敬重。They heard it all, and did but reverence him the more.

这是权贵,尊严和吉祥的象征。It is the symbol of dignitary, reverence , and auspice.

请温柔甚至带着微微崇敬对待她的脸颊。Her face should be treated with tenderness and reverence.

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这位如此受尊敬的外国人是谁呢?Who was this foreigner who was treated with such reverence?

我将奉行对佛陀真悟的崇敬。I will fare with reverence for the Buddha's genuine Awakening.

道德信仰是人们对高尚道德的虔信、敬畏与奉行。Moral belief is people's sincereness, reverence and pursuance.

我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。I was always a little in reverence of Great-aunt Stephina Roos.

非耆那教徒也表达了对耆那教盛典的很高的崇敬。The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival.

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他向僧人叩拜,表达自己的敬意和感激。Then he kowtowed to the monk, to show his reverence and gratitude.

不过,阁下您听说昨天夜里人们看见的征兆了吗?But did your reverence hear of the portent that was seen last night?

禹站在山坡下方恭恭敬敬地直立着。Emperor Yu stood at the foot of the hill slope with great reverence.

胡顿不但没有成为一位值得尊重的人,反倒成为了一位不受欢迎的人。Hughton did not inspire reverence but he had become a well-liked man.

克拉图因人对长者的尊敬被古老的赫特人阴险地利用了。The Klatooinian reverence for age was exploited by the ancient Hutts.

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文化工作者要具有虚心学习、认真探讨的态度。We should learn form others with humble reverence during study and work.

就像是寺庙里的神仙,荧幕上的明星们是被人们尊崇的。Like gods in a temple, characters on the screen are treated with reverence.

读这着副对联,我对烈士的崇敬之情更加浓厚了。Read this couplet a vice, my reverence for the martyrs of love more strong.