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本文介绍了基于FPGA、功能经过扩展的以太网MII接口的硬件实现方法。The implementation of Ethernet MII based on FPGA is briefly presented in this paper.

有一个非常清楚的事情是MII下面的工作组的重要性。One issue that is however very clear is the importance of the Working Groups under MII.

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信息产业部制定的不同时期的电信发展目标规划,具有求实性、可操作性。The telecom development planning constituted by MII in different period possesses reality and operability.

这篇文章介绍了道康宁的SAP制造集成和智能解决方案实施的成功经验。This document is written in Chinese and introduces the success story of MII implementation at Dow Corning.

信息产业部和北京市的有关领导参加了新公司的成立仪式并给予了高度评价。MII establishes a ceremony with what the concerned leader of Beijing joined new company and gave height the opinion.

直至受精或孤雌活化,卵母细胞才能最终完成减数分裂。The oocytes release from the MII arrest complete the meiotic division till fertilization or parthenogenetic activation.

这是信息产业部副部长蒋耀平在今天召开的中国电信集团公司2008年工作会议上透露的。This is the Chinese telecommunication that MII undersecretary Jiang Yaoping holds today group company disclosed on working conference 2008.

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资讯产业部参与起草新制度细则的专家们说,手机实名制中还包括保护个人隐私的规定。MII experts participating in drafting the new system said that the system has included provisions to protect the privacy of personal information.

信息产业部将监督西门子公司和一家中国公司大唐电信为3G联合开发的TD-SCDMA标准在中国的测试活动。The MII will oversee tests in China of the TD-SCDMA standard for 3G, being jointly developed by Siemens AG and Datang Technology, a Chinese company.

信息产业部直属企业的脱钩工作也正在按照中央有关部署抓紧进行。MII was pressing on with the work to delink with the enterprises directly under the Ministry based on the relevant plans set by the central government.

按照国务院批准的信息产业部“三定”方案的要求,信息产业部的机构改革已基本到位,机关工作运转正常。The MII was pressing on with the work to delink with the enterprises directly under the Ministry based on the relevant plans set by the central government.

猪卵母细胞的体外成熟培养、成熟卵母细胞的孤雌激活和胚胎培养是胚胎生物工程技术的主要环节。The culture of porcine oocytes maturation in vitro, parthenogenetic activation of MII porcine oocytes and embryo culture are main technology of embryo biology engineering.

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在北京的研讨会上﹐资深MII官员透露“高优先目录”已经在准备中﹐在2007年下半年之前不会出台。In the Beijing seminar, senior MII officials have informed that the "High Priority Products Catalogue" is under preparation, and will NOT be issued until the second half of 2007.

根据国家机构改革和邮政、电信发展的需要,信息产业部作出了在全国实施邮电分营的重大决策。In response to the needs of the state restructuring and the development of posts and telecommunications, MII made a major decision to separate posts from telecommunications operations.

由信息部显示的数据表明,从中国电信与中国网通税收收入已经降低,而中国移动在去年四月的税收份额上升到42.4%。Data from the MII show that while the domestic revenue share of major fixed-line players China Telecom and China Netcom has fallen, China Mobile's share shot up to hit 42.4 percent last April.

随着WCDMA在全球范围内突飞猛进的进展,以及中国信息产业部组织的WCDMA网络试验的成功开展,WCDMA在中国的推进进程明显加快。As WCDMA network is rapidly developing worldwide, together with the successful progress of WCDMA trial network organized by MII of China, WCDMA network deployment is considerably pushed in China.