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这部影片是一个墨渍心理测验,可以看出人们的立场。The film is a Rorschach test of where people stand.

在本周华盛顿的罗夏测试中,国会将其看作蔬菜。In this week's Washington Rorschach test, Congress sees a vegetable.

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其中用罗夏测验来研究攻击已经是由来已久的事。Researching of aggression by the Rorschach test has begun for a long time.

罗夏墨迹测验是众多为人所熟知的心理测验工具之一。One of the most well-known psychological tools is the Rorschach Inkblot Test.

以上的一些诊断分析来源于性格测试方法罗夏墨迹。These "diagnoses" are part of a personality test, the Rorschach Inkblot test.

不管出于什么原因,你们有人真的做过,罗夏测验吗?Is there anybody here who has actually, in any sort of situation, ? taken a Rorschach test?

除去被解译为“罗夏试验中的男性固着”的时候,她简直就是剧作家们从不枯竭的灵感之源。When not serving as a Rorschach test of male fixations, Cleopatra is an inexhaustible muse.

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迈耶博士也处理了对罗夏测试的一个长期的批判——那就是文化依赖。Dr Meyer disposes, too, of one perennial criticism of the Rorschach test—that it is culture-dependent.

人格评定量表和罗夏墨迹测验在精神分裂症的诊断中是两个常用的工具。Personality Assessment Inventory and Rorschach Test are the common tools in the diagnosis of Schizophrenia.

倒影能够呈现抽象的特征,类似于应用于心理测试的罗夏墨迹。Reflections can take on an abstract quality that resembles a Rorschach inkblot used in a psychological testing.

将纸洒上墨水并将其折叠形成对称的图形,这就是罗夏墨迹。Rorschach inkblot created by folding a piece of paper coveredand filled with ink to form a symmetrical pattern.

但为什么Wikipedia对保护罗夏测试的责任要甚于科学杂志抑或医疗网站呢?But why is Wikipedia more responsible to protect Rorschach testing than scientific journals or medical websites?

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就像云彩和墨迹实验一样,人们想从建筑上看到他们想看的东西,并且有时,想看到一个巨无霸似的东西。Just like clouds or a Rorschach test, people see what they want to see in architecture -- and sometimes, it's a Big Mac.

罗夏测试从20世纪20年代开始得到使用,通过分析图像判断心理是否出现紊乱。The Rorschach tests have been used since the 1920's to determine psychological disorders through the analysis of images.

虽然这个报告的内容有些早,这样的元分析也是有价值的,它仍然是关于罗夏墨迹测验最为权威的论断。Such meta-analyses are major undertakings, so although this report is a few years old, it remains the most definitive word on the Rorschach.

由于CS提供了罗夏墨迹测验所检验的具体和科学的基础而备受称赞,由此在临床和司法领域开始广泛使用该测验。The CS was credited with providing a concrete, scientific basis for the Rorschach tested and it became widely used in clinical and forensic settings.

更高的SAT分数能提高入学门槛,而正常的罗夏墨迹测试结果则会减轻对于疏远亲友的恐惧。While higher SAT scores improve college eligibility, average Rorschach inkblot results might alleviate the fear of being estranged from friends and family.

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上个月,一名加拿大内科医生在维基百科上贴上了罗夏克墨渍测验的10种墨迹图像。实际上,这些图像在30多年前就公之于众了。Last month a Canadian physician posted to Wikipedia all 10 inkblots of the Rorschach test. After all, the images were made publicly available more than 30 years ago.

然而他们也指出没有研究表明罗夏墨迹测验与抑郁、反社会人格和创伤后应激障碍有关联。They note, however, that the Rorschach has not been shown to be related to Major Depressive Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorders, or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

虽然这个报告的内容有些早,这样的元分析也是有价值的,它仍然是关于罗夏墨迹测验最为权威的论断。Such meta-analyses are major undertakings, so although this report is a few years old, it remains the most definitive word on the Rorschach . According to authors Scott O.